Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tears..drop,drop, Remebrance of Allah , Please Remove the Dryness Off My Heart

A feeling so great, its been to long, its the feeling of being connected, close and attach to the Source of Peace, the beautiful feeling you get when you sincerely remember Allah.....

Its been a while,let the tears pour like the rain storm.... drop,drop, moisturizing the dryness of my heart...oh Allah allow the remeberance of Allah to remove the dryness off my heart..

Ramadan where you at? I miss you and your effect on me, you increased my attachment to my Lord, nothing better then that....

As you await for the taraweeh vacation prepare your heart for the journey thats coming soon inshAllah. Just like the traveller who prepares themselves for a trip overseas multiple months before, prepare for the upcoming journey......the upcoming spiritual journey to Allah, preparation starts now.

A Meeting With Allah | Ibn al-Qayyim | HD

Re Post:

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Vacation Called Taraweeh: Rest

An Exclusive Vacation Called Taraweeh:

When: Ramadan
Location: Any Masjid

Destination: Allah
Goal: Rest & Relax
Passport: A heart that remembers Allah

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