Monday, July 30, 2012

The Vacation Called Taraweeh: Rest

An Exclusive Vacation Called Taraweeh:

When: Ramadan
Location: Any Masjid

Destination: Allah
Goal: Rest & Relax
Passport: A heart that remembers Allah

Did you ever wonder why you love coming to salat al tarweeh even though its about two hours long?
The word tarweeh comes from the arabic word "Raaha" which means rest and relax
This explains why although it is two hours of long standing we still love it and we are so sad when Ramadan is over
While people spend thousands of dollars to go on vacation just so they can "rest and relax", Muslims await for the Tarweeh.Muslims dont have to go on vacation to achieve
this relaxation, they just wait for Ramadan...

Through the tarweeh it is not your body that is at rest, but rather your heart is at rest as it remembers Allah


Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.
Surat Al-Rad Aya 28

The one whos salat brings this this feeling of raha will tell you two hours is not enough, and they will get up in the middle of the night for the salaatul Qiyaam.

While people find sleeping as a form of rest the believer's find the standing of long  salaat and the making of long sujuds as the greatest form of rest...

The one who has not yet tasted the sweetness of faith in salat will not understand how long salat is a form of rest and relaxation.
Those who have achieved the raha part of the tarweeh try to prolong thier sujud and thier eyes are filled with tears  as thier hearts remember Allah....

I have a question for...has your heart cried this Ramadan?
Have you cried for your sins, or simply because you love Allah?

In the next sujud ask Allah to make you cry because the Prophet said

"One teardrop that falls from the eye of a believer out of love and fear for Him is better than this world and everything it contains!"

If you achieve raha -rest/relaxation this Ramadan you will find yourself in Ramadan withdrawal mood as you will miss ramadan greatly and most of all you will miss the feeling of rest your heart has but you can ask Allah to allow your heart to awlays have this feeling!!

Ask Allah to give to prolong  this feeling of "Raha" throughout the rest of this Ramadan and throughout your entire life

Has not the time come for the hearts of those who believe to be affected by Allah's Reminder -this Quran....
Surah Al-Hadid Aya 16

I want to relate this aya to those speak over the recitation of the Quran...

If you are talking over the Quran during the salat, then your heart has still not been affected by the beauty of the Quran...
It may have to do with the fact that you may not understand what is being recited. I understand its hard... imagine I start talking in Chinese  I will lose your attention right away....some of you may argue I dont understand arabic...sure alot of ppl didnt but humdallah now they understand

 When you understand the meaning of the Quran you are given the great chance to think,ponder, contemplate, and more importantly truly connect with Allah as you listen to what He speaks as the Quran is known as His words...
You want to achieve raha? You have to understand the Quran, so make it your lifetime goal to understand the Quran, and start now...make it your goal to read the arabic aya followed by the english definition and slowly the words will become familiar to you as many of them are repetitive throughout the Quran...and more importantly ask Allah to help you understand His words because in the end He is Qadr- on everything

I found this article after speaking about this and how I did the SAME thing to learn the meaning of the Quran...this is a must read article
I used to have no idea what was going on in the prayer. I remember standing for lengthy time periods behind the Imam, trying to make my mind focus but finding it constantly drift off; it’s very, very hard to concentrate when the mind has nothing to contextualize. I eventually would settle on trying to think of anything for which I could possibly be grateful. But taraweeh prayers are long; without understanding, my heart would simply get bored and my limbs would always fidget. Thoughts of my day, my concerns, my hopes and my food cravings after a day of fasting would all filter through my conscious while I shifted around. It’s hard to keep still for that long when one is mentally checked out and physically disengaged.
However, Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) guided me to an action which changed my life and revolutionized my prayer and du`a (supplication) experience ever since. It’s simple, but it takes long-term dedication. The results, for me, were powerful and transformational. The common-sense solution that worked miracles in my life by Allah’s blessings: reading a translation.
Only Allah can bring this feeling of raha in your salat, so next time you make sujud ask Allah to increase you in raha, understanding of the Quran, and
 an eye that cries when it remembers Allah..

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