Monday, March 31, 2014

Experiencing Sabrun Jamil , Beautiful Patience

I miss this blog, I miss the peace within my heart that I would get when I write very late into the night on this blog as I contemplate, as I think about Allah. Ya Allah I miss You and being constantly aware of You. I don't know what to do, it feels like my heart is all over the place, I need to just sit down and contemplate, and just relay upon You oh Allah, and know that You are the "Indeed the Best of Planners" . Ya Allah  make my journey easy, ya Allah make me of those who will experience, "Sabrun Jamil" Beautiful Patience".

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Radioquraan, Surat Yusuf

SubhanAllah, everytime I go from Youtube (music,nasheed) to and I go with the intention of hearing a surah relative to my life, a surah or aya relative to my life begins to recite. I haven't gone on for a while (its a 24 7 radio for Quran), so guess what Surah is reciting now, one of my favorite Surahs, Surat Yusuf, mashAllah.

Presented, Burberry Hijab, MashAllah!!

For the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about the presentation I made today, I still cant believe it subhanAllah!!Today was Public Affairs Week at my College, and I was the one who would introduce the moderator of the event in front of 200 plus students including my professors, people from all of my classes, the Director, and others.
I was on a stage with scholars, it was amazing, not because of the experience itself but rather the fact that after everyone left I went back to ask someone to take a picture of me at the stage (its a moment you gota remember!) , so I asked the technology man, and I asked him whatt he thought of my presentation, he said something along the lines of " You know you looked really comfortable in your burberry scarf, I kept thinking wow she looks so comfortable, but I know I cant look at you for a long time, so I just looked at your scarf, but its cool to see other cultures, today I saw a girl in a weave and she was all hitting and scratching her head she looked uncomfortable but you looked comfortable!"
SubahnAllah when he was talking to me I couldn't help but think subhanAllah a non muslim is appreciating the hijab, a non muslim just told me that although he does not know much about our "culture" he knew that he couldn't look at me for a long time, subhanAllah the hijab really does have a natural reflection of modesty!!!
And it doesn't end there!!! While I was leaving the bus a lady walking behind me was like " I love your scarf its so pretty!!"
SubhanAllah what an experience, alhumdAllah. I love representing our deen and mashAllah the presentation was good alhumdAllah!!!