Friday, February 28, 2014

Ya Allah, Best Dua Hani

This duaaa ....reminds me of the rush of tears in Ramadan, oh Ramadan waiting for you to come revive my heart!!!
Ya Allah! Best Du'a  Hani Ar-Rifai

Present and Represent, On Campus Successful , Graduating


Whenever you get these opportunities take them, thank Allah and present and represent the best of the best inshAllah!
AlhumdAllah when you are busy with success you don't pay to much attention to friends,and people who don't  ask about you. My phone barely rings except in times of needs, and sometimes I wonder am I a boring person, an annoying friend? But then I think of every opportunity Allah has given me , and every moment I have had in which I was able to thank Allah for so many successful moments because I was never caught up with the things people my age are caught up with.
Everytime I get an opportunity I think of how anything I do or present is a reflection and representation of Muslims, I think of this all the times when I speak in class, when I teach my course, when I present at conferences, special programs, when I speak to the Deans, Directors, and etc
On Monday while I was going to prepare for my class, the professor before me had a bunch of stuff on the board about Muslims. It made me smile sooooo much (non Muslim college). I told the professor why did you teach them about Muslims despite the fact that the course was about English (and he is not Muslim) he said, because there are a lot of Muslims on campus and a growing number and we need to learn about each other.
Later that day I had a presentation in a class in which I decided to talk about the unique needs of Muslim students. I usually just make my topic general about first generation college students and their needs, but I don't know this time I decided to focus on Muslim students.
Honestly I did not expect the response of my class, they were so engaging in the presentation and I had lots of people come to me afterwards telling me how they never knew any of this and how they really found the presentation informative.
In the presentation for the course on Student Services I spoke about how Muslim students need unique needs and accommodations such as Salat room. One student asked me if we all pray togheter. I told them how Muslims are supposed to pray 5 times a day and at certain times.I also spoke accommodating Eid, the MSA, the new Muslim Frat, and etc.  I know I should always talk about Muslims as I am the representation of Muslims. The people within my class also serve Muslims in the sector of higher education, so now through my presentation they got an introduction to the Muslim student, alhumdAllah. I am most likely the only hijabi within the program and maybe even in the history of the program (I will ask to confirm).
Later that day while I was making salat during that class I made a duaa in which I basically asked Allah to always make me a presenter of the deen.
Later on my subway ride home I decided to read Quran instead of my homework as I had to complete my juz for the MSA monthly Quran reading (its awesome mashAllah), so while I was reading the ayas on my phone in both Arabic and English a very professional looking man next to me kind of stopped me and asked if its easy to learn Arabic, I said ofcourse, I told him that I was reading the Quran, I told him of how there were Latino Muslims who now read the Quran fluently, and then he told me that he was Latino and he was studying Italian (he showed me his Italian novel), I told him definitely try to learn the basics. Then it was time for me to get off, I quickly wished him a good journey and he endlessly thanked me...subhanAllah
On Tuesday I was meeting with my professor who is also the Director of the graduate program I am apart of. We were talking about the Student Club I am now president of, and while we were sitting in the Open House event for the School of Public Affairs they called my name as a Student presenter. I was like :-0 loll...we later proceed into side sessions and I was sitting next to the Director speaking to the new students of the program on my experience, actually this is the second time they invited me to speak to new students. And wallhe when you are in that seat next to a Director in front of bunch of people you cant help but think oh Allah you placed me here to represent the deen, oh Allah let them see me as a intellginet cool Muslim let me give them the best impression.

On Wednesday I received an email from my College, The School of Public Affairs, regarding the programs for Public Affairs Week. Its a huge thing in my school where they bring a bunch of scholars to speak on panels, I think over 200 people attend the lectures.
All the professors bring their students to the lectures.
My name is on that program
I am going to introduce the speakers inshAllah, I still cant believe it and I cried a little when I received the email because my school is huge (20,000 students) I never thought people like the Dean, the Director, and the top people would know my name and invite me to such opportunities.
And alhumdAllah today I ordered my gown for my Masters Degree, I have to pick it up on May 20th (or 21), that is my 22nd Birthday inshAllah. I want to see if I can receive the degree on behalf of my class at graduation inshAllah.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Ethnic Background

Your ethnic background should only remain as a "background" always in the back only there to help beautify the entire picture but never takes away from the focus (you). The ground represents the ethnic roots that are instilled in you and cannot be changed but you can always change the results. A seed is implanted in the ground, and nourished properly and taken care of with love and attention the result is a beautiful fruit or flower that is strong with life, but if not taken care of properly it will fade away and die. This is what I take of my “background”

Friday, February 21, 2014

Beautiful Recitation of Surat Yusuf in NJ!

So in case you dont get to the end of this post, here is the recitation, 

So last night I wrote about Surat Yusuf as I was a little sad.

Tonight I was supposed to go to a Noman Ali Khan event, and I was sad because I had a feeling I wouldnt go, so I decided to keep local and go to my own Masjid for Isha and a lecture.

There was a surprise at my masjid, actually today is the first day I can pray after almost a week and a half of excused not praying. So during Salat Al Isha with my favorite Qari, Sheikh Hassan Saleh I keept thinking oh Allah let the ayas relate to my feelings. His recitation was beautiful as always and this time he took extra long which reminds me of Ramadan, I love it. 

So after we were done praying as I was getting ready to go to the weekly class Sheikh Hassan had some type of annoumcent. I stayed to listen, he was telling us about some really popular Quran qari who passed away , I honestly forgot the name lol but I wish I remembered. And then he was telling us about someone who reads Quran in the same recitation, and he said we would listen to some Quran from this person. A couple of minutes later I see a non sheikh looking person walk up to the table to sit down and recite, I was like huhhhh thats not a shiekh loool.

And then he began the recitation of Surat Yusuf, when I heard the first ayas which contains the word qasas, I thought he was reciting Surat Al Qasas, but then as he contunied I realized this was the beautoiful Surah that I was thinking about not to long ago, Surat Yusuf. Although Sheikh Hassan Saleh will always be my favorite and number one Qari to listen this mans reicttaion made me cry. SubhanAllah how Allah allows for the recitation of Quran to bring tears to our eyes, but with a mix of smiles!

At the end of the recitation the man started talking about how this was his first time reciting Quran to the public. I recoreded the whole recitation,  here you go readers just for you! I usually only voice record, but I can never upload the voice records on this blog, so this time I video recoreded so I can share with all of you.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Heart Needs Some Rest

I'm tired and I'm sick first I had some crazy stomach pains and now i feel pain all over my joints, esp my knees , make duaa for the blogger , I was scared what if I fall on my way up the stairs due to the weakness? I really want to attend this noman Ali khan event tomorrow night but I am worried about going alone with my condition , the place is far , normally I wouldn't care at all that I was going alone , I been going to lectures and events alone for almost a year now because I am alone. I am alone because the people I know "moved on" as they say. I texted a few people to see if they would come along but ofcourse it was all no or no reply. No replies are the worst they make u feel empty inside , they make you wana cry . It's hurtful when no one texts or calls to say hello people only know me when they need help but alhumdAllah Allah allows me to give to others and hardly receive from others . I always find it hard to find a "shoulder to cry on" and that's when I renemeber the aya in Surat Yusuf in which Prophet Yusuf's dad says that he complains of his grief and sadness to Allah. What an amazing feeling , that when people disappoint   you it is in that moment you are reminded of Allah .

oh Allah it's been so long since my heart has been at rest, I can't wait for Ramadan to remove all the stress and finally get my heart some rest, alhuma balagana Ramadan . Oh Allah it's time for me to reconnect to You and forget about the ones who have wronged me... ya Allah ya Allah !!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Even Sharing Food is Dawa

AlhumdAllah my friend and one of my other friends at a Halal buffet was able to get the Syrian family a wholeeeee lot of food  that lasted them and their neighbor for three days mashAllah. Their neighbor is an old lady whos daughters do not check up on her, but she was the one who was sharing her food when we weren't there a couple of months ago.
The old neighbor said she was amazed when she saw my Muslim friends come and bring her all that food, and just all the stuff in general that everyone has been donating. Now whenever we send them any type of food, groceries, meat, etc you better best  believe that you are not just helping one family.
She told my Syrian mama that she never had meet Muslims, and she only heard bad about them. The Syrian family is the first Muslims she ever meet.
 For the past two days the mom was super sick and couldn't move (alhumdAllah so much better now!) and right when she got better she went to take out the lady's garbage as she does everyday. The lady was like you just got better and you are already helping me? 
The Syrian mom started to tell her about how this apart of our deen, and the beautiful story of the Prophet who used to help his non Muslim neighbor. Again, the neighbor told her that she only heard bad of Prophet Muhammad (let us always allow our actions to always show otherwise!).
This again reminds me of how some of the best dawa moments are the ones you don't even notice....indirect dawa is of the best dawa. Who would have taught that helping a Syrian family would result in dawa and helping a non Muslim neighbor? SubhanAllah....
 I am sure none of the donors thought that their donations and kindness would result in dawa and helping other neighbors, call it double the good, alhumdAllah!


Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sleeping Beauty, True Story, NJ Muslim Couple, Omar and Fatima

Wow !
I never meet Fatima Kasem, I attended her janza for school, her janza was over flowing with people, it felt like Eid, I only knew who she was through this video in which her hausband Omar spoke about her, mashAllah amazing,

With the passing of Fatima Kasem, the feeling of "things need to change" has grown exponentially-- the need to be better... pray longer, make dua deeper, smile bigger, love harder- please keep her in your duas and ya Allah give Br. Omar, her family, and all of us the strength to be the best we can be to prepare for our meeting on the Day when we each shall verily taste death. (Ameen)

Today I came across this post someone wrote on behalf of Onar and Fatima, beautiful ,

Very touching true story. Worth a read.

Sleeping Beauty. 

"To the love of my life I write to you this… 
We’v met during our freshman year of college and I fell in love with you ever since. I always wondered of what really attracted me to you. Was is the fact that you were always a hard working individual academically and spiritually? Or the fact that you love to help people? Truth is; everybody that met you fell in love with your personality. As a freshman on the tennis team you were given the title of being “the women’s rookie player of the year”. You helped the highlanders set a school record of victories with a 10-9 mark. I simply fell in love with you for being you. 

We got engaged and been best friends ever since. You remember that time when we were in Dr. Hunter’s math class? He asked a question, while I was sleeping, and he said: “I think Omar would have the answer”. You had to wake me up… As I was opening my eyes; I looked towards you to see the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. College years passed by before we knew it and as we were getting ready for graduation we were also making plans for our wedding, applying to jobs and furnishing our small apartment. 
June 27, 2009 was our wedding day. The next day when we woke up I asked you: “Fatma do you believe what happened yesterday?” “Do you believe how God blessed us with such a beautiful wedding?” You said: “I have no idea how God puts these things together”. One month after our honey moon, we found out that we’re pregnant and are now expecting a baby; we thanked God for that. At that point I swore to you that nothing is more dear and precious to me in this life than you; not even the baby, so before the baby comes I want you to know this.

Five months into the pregnancy; while you were teaching at school you fainted and became unconscious. I received a call from the school principal: “Mr. A. your wife has been rushed to St. Joseph’s hospital”. I rushed to the hospital, when I arrived you were still in the emergency room. Shortly afterwards; the doctor came out and told me you had a brain tumor and that we have to lose the baby as soon as possible in order to save your life. I was crying not knowing how this is going to end, but when I went inside and you were sitting and you said (smiling): “tell me, what’s going on?” I said: “Nothing”. You said: “I know there is something going on; tell me”. I said: “Nothing Fatma, they just found something inside”. You said (smiling): “So who put that thing inside?” I said: “I don’t know who put it inside.” 
Ten days after this you went into a comma. I stayed by your side the whole time and would try to wake you up saying: “Come on my sleeping beauty, time to wake up”. I continued to pray for you throughout the day and night. I tried all I can to keep you safe; I tried every treatment doctors recommended and didn't lose hope. Even when doctors told me there is no hope, its useless just let her be. I tried to do everything possible, because I know that if you were in my place you would've stood in the face of the world and said: “I would do whatever it takes to save my husband”. 

I praised God for allowing me to celebrate with you your 24th birthday; our first birthday as a married couple. Even if you were asleep that wasn't going to stop me from buying your favorite flavored cake and singing Happy birthday to you. I thank God for making you part of my life and I will always cherish every single day we spend together. 
April 13, 2010 was the day God decreed you leave this world; you've been sleeping for the past 99 days. I hope you are happy with all what I had to offer you to the last breath. As we were driving to the cemetery for your funeral; I looked up to the sky and said: “Dear God, I fulfilled my share of the oath when I said till death do us part; she is now in your hands… please bless her soul”.
Till we meet again in Paradise; this I believe
I will always and forever love you


Monday, February 10, 2014

Adding Value, The Minimalists Blog

This blog is awesome, their posts are meaningful, I use them for my class,

Adding Value

adding value

If you ever need me, call me, I’ll come running straight to you.
—Brett Dennen, “Sydney”
Adding value to someone else’s life is one of the most important things you can do with your life, and it has nothing to do with money.
Why is adding value to others so important? Well, adding value is the only way to get another person’s buy-in, and it’s one of the few ways to get other people to believe in you as an individual.
When you’re adding value to someone’s life, you are contributing to that person in a meaningful way. This is important in all facets of life—in leadership positions, in friendships, while meeting and connecting with new people, at your job, and with your family.
If you want people to respect you, then you must add value to their lives. Otherwise you are dead weight, you are a cancer, a parasite, a bug on a dead thing.
And we all know that that ain’t you.
There are many ways you can add value. You can…
  • Create something someone can use
  • Inspire someone to take action
  • Lend a helping hand
  • Be a shoulder to cry on
  • Show someone how to do something
  • Show someone a better way
  • Provide a new perspective
  • Lead by example
  • Listen more
  • Give your full attention
  • Just be there for someone
  • Love them
It’s important to add value in an authentic way, in a way that doesn’t have an alterior motive, in a way that is genuine and helpful and unassuming. Colin Wright calls this paying it way forward.
We have all benefited from someone’s added value in the past. The two of us started this website last year because we were inspired and encouraged by the value created by several people: Leo Babauta, Colin Wright, and Joshua Becker. Those people added value to our lives, enough value that we were compelled to change and improve our own lives. Their work had a profound impact on us, leading us to make significant changes—some of which were incredibly difficult at times—and live a more meaningful life, a life in which we’re growing as individuals and contributing to others in a meaningful way, a life in which we’re not concerned with the ostensible value of material items but with the value we can add to other people, and for that we are eternally grateful.
Thus, we find it important to add value to other people whenever we can. In fact, you’re reading this because we created this site to add value to other people, to add value to your lives. We also donate our time to charity. We listen more than we talk. We care about other people. And we love.
Who adds value to your life? How do you add value to others?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

This Baby Makes me Smile!

I love this baby , I don't care how many disappointments people put me through  because when I see this baby smile and laugh I laugh to and my heart smiles mashAllah, mashAllah, masAllah!

Oh Allah make this baby of the successful !!

And the wife of Pharaoh said, "[he, Musa the baby will be] a comfort of the eye for me and for you. 


The Giver, Allah is With the Brokenhearted,Notes 2012,2014, Dr Shade

This week I attended a conference, I attended the same conference in 2012  at a local college here in my state...the words of one of the speakers stuck to me until now.
I was surprised when I found that the college used my picture for their 2014 conference YouTube video. It brought back good memories, of how sad I was that day  since my friends had left me to go with one of the speakers , I had to go alone to the event, and then Dr Shade spoke about exctally how I was feeling, and he taught us that,  Allah takes you away from the people to bring you closer to Allah , that sometimes being lonely is good for you, and my favorite quote I always remind myself and others of "In Allah aind alqulb al muqasreen" Allah is with the broken hearted. SubahnAllah. I actually typed the notes back in 2012, but I deleted the post.
Even though I deleted the post with my notes, his words always remain in my head when moments of sadness come through , subhanAllah!

Actually its funny because the same speaker in this conference commented about people who take notes, he said you guys will probably never look at your notes again, but he is wrong! A lot of times I use this blog to type my notes so I can look back at the notes, alhumdAllah it works.
This years conference  I went alone, I didn't even bother begging friends to come along, for the past year I been going to alot of places alone, I dont wait for anyone, I don't need people breaking my heart, it hurts, but Allah taught in Surat Al Rahman that,
Everyone upon the earth will perish,
And there will remain the Face of your Lord, Owner of Majesty and Honor.

Here is what Dr Shadee this year which was again relative to my life as I seek other peoples help to help mothers and babies in need but of the 50 plus people I text or outreach to only  two replied with a "inshAllah" (inshAllah is better then no reply at all!). Just replying to a text of someone seeking help is small but important even if you cant help.  It honestly hurts the heart to look back at the 50 plus messages and 70 plus email recipients to see that not many reply. Why does it hurt? Its not like I am the one who needs the help right? It hurts because what if the babies and mothers in need knew that of the over 100 people we outreached to only a few replied? What if they knew that you promised me to help but you never followed up and when I actually followed up you stopped replying?  JakzAllah to all who replied, I make dua for people like you because people like you keep me hopeful, and when you make people hopeful, you remind then of Allah, you remind them of how none but Allah Provides, you remind them of Allahs Mercy.
I don't care if you don't reply to me , but I cant imagine how many disappointments these people went through along the way of seeking help if I got disappointed because people don't even reply texts (even though when you are with half of these people they just seem to be so attached to their phones to the point where they cant even have a conversation with you!ew).
Allah put us in the way of these people so that we don't disappoint them. Im telling you I never felt like a begger or needy until this month and it is one of the most humiliating, most disappointing situations subhanAllah. Allah teaches us the best of lessons through these experiences, but for sure they are painful to the heart.
Here is what Dr Shade said at the 2014 conference about "The Giver" .
Some of Allahs giving is guaranteed, it is already written down. Worry not about what was given to you but rather worry about if what we were given was blessed or cursed.
Giving to others is a blessing
There are two types of rizkik (providing) and both require us to do our parts, al asabab
physical stuff (money,wealth, etc)
Eman (spiritual)
Allah put a veil on rizik so you can get up and do your part
Every physical giving is a sign of a test or a curse
A sign that Allah is pleased with you is the gift that you don't care about this dunya, you want spiritual gifts, increase in eman.
When Allah gives you , you exhaust yourself in the servitude of others
( money, helping people, smiling, etc)
Real charity is to get up and look how can I share this blessing (love this !)
Make duaa before Fajr Allah accepts that duaa
Allah never turns away the duaa made at the Masjid. Be of the people of the Masjid. Allah is going to honor His Guests at the Masjid.
How do you grow your blessings ? Giving it to others!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Success is a Theme of our Deen!

While listening to the athan I realized a major theme of our deen is success!! Success is mentioned in the athan: haya al falaah, success is mentioned multiple times in the Quran, the Prophet used the word success in his hadiths...mashAllah an amazing theme that keeps Muslims focused, and successful alhumdAllah