Monday, July 23, 2012

Sweetness of Tarweeh-Rahaa,Rest SubhanAllah!

The Salah Series: 27 Parts

Did you know that the word Tarweeh means "To Rest" SubhanAllah!

Taraweeh is derived from the Arabic root word, raaha, which means to rest, and relax..

One may wonder how can praying for 2 hours be a form of rest?

In Ramadan you are tasting the sweetness of are remembering Allah and so your heart becomes at rest as described in the following aya...


Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily, in the
  remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.-13:28
Through the tarweeh, you are remembering Allah, and your heart is finding rest.SubhanAllah this is probably one of the reasons we love Ramadan so muchhhhh and esp the Tarweeh prayer, because in Ramadan we finally are able to attain the sweetness of prayer <3

The author writes:

What time of year do we generally have most khushoo’ (devotion)? The answer is easy: Ramadan. And when during Ramadan? It’s probably during qiyaam prayer (night prayer). And when do we find people’s eyes overflowing with tears? It’s mostly during the du`a’ of salat al-witr (witr prayer) when everyone prays behind the imam.
How? At that point, we feel as though we are talking to someone and we are waiting for a response. This brings our heart and mind to the prayer, and this is when we taste the sweetness of prayer.
Ibn Al-Jawzi said about the prayer:
إنا في روضة طعامنا فيها الخشوع و شرابنا فيها الدموع
“We are in a garden, where our food is khushoo’ (devotion), and our drink is the tears that flow.”
When I read this quote I thought of the sweetness you taste in Salat  Al-Tarweeh and the tears that run down your eyes when the sheikh recites the duaa al qunoot for Salat Al-Witr...
Ya Allah!!!

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