Friday, July 27, 2012

Ramadan 2012 Series-Mustafa Hosny!

‏Photo: الدُنيا هى جسر العبور لرب العزة .. انتظروني بمشيئة الله في رمضان لنعرف سويًا ما هو سحِر الدُنيا.‏

This is a 2012 Ramadan series on the IQRA channel titled, " Sihr AlDunya" The Magic of This World,by my favroite Arabic speaker Mustfa Hosny!!

I saw two episodes and im telling you its worth watching it!!! Amazing topic
In the series you will realize he doesnt literlly mean magic, but rather districtions from Allah
سحر الدنيا - الحلقة 1 - المقدمة - مصطفى حسني
"Was our dunya a door to Allah or did it take us? Did we get affected by the sihr-magic of the dunya?
The dunya can be a door to Allah or a hijab-veil between you and Allah
Alot of people, houses, events, sadness, etc....dunya..
Theres two things: are you going to live while remembering Allah, going back to Him in everything you do or think, or are you going to allow the dunya to take you with its days,years, joy, sadness. Dunya can take your heart, and you can live with it , you can remember her(dunya) and forget Allah, it will isharik (like take distarct you), it could move you away from Allah and become a hijab-veil between you and Allah?
Allah sent Adam down to the dunya to live on it until the Day of Judgment, He choose the dunya, but he warned us about it...
we are on the highest building of the world (hes in Dubai)... Understand that the dunya has tricks...
Allah says:
"Wamaa ALhayat al dunya ila maat al ghoor"
Allah spoke alot about the akhairha, but the people want the dunya only- alajlaah...
Qalaa bal tahboon al ajylaa? (Aya-gota find it)
Farardd ain min tawalaa ain dikrinha- Move away from those who are away from my Remberance
Move away from these kind of people before you get affected by them....those who love the dunya, and forgot Allah..
There is a test in this dunya, and it is the sihr of this dunya-magic of this dunya...but there are those who wont fall for the sihr of the dunya..
Allah warns us of falling for the dunya
Becareful, dont get sihred-affected by the magic of this dunya!
10 Minutes:
I am standing and the highest building in the wolrd is in front of me, and I say to myself Alhumdallah....Adams sons created all of this
It is a beautiful view but dont let it make you forget Allah... I feel the beauty of the dunya with the water around me, the beautiful buildlings but Dontttt forget Allah! Dont let the beauty take you, dont let the dunya take you! The dunya has tricks!
It is the place Allah choose for you to know Him, thank Him, worship Him, but within the naam-blessings there is fitnah-evil and lots of desires...this series is going to help you learn how to live in this dunya without becoming sihired(like under its magic)
14 Minutes:
There are levels of those whom the dunya took with its magic
1. Kafr-
The dunya totally took his/her heart, they totally deny Allah...there is an aya about this person
2. Ghafle-Ignorant / Cant see
This person loves Allah, the Messenger, the Religion, but there is a halal blessing thats in his/her heart and they became attached to it
16 Minutes:
Malik Ibn Dinar says:
Fear the dunya for it is a magician that puts magic on the hearts of the ulma-scholars. The ulma are the closest to Allah. The dunya is strong, its fitnah is strong, and it can take thier hearts if they werent attentive
The shytan beautifues all of the fitnah and he took them away from Allahs rembearcne...these people dont see Allah they only see what they want.
20 Minutes:
Prophet Issa once had a dream (or vision) and it was the dunya in the image of an old lady she had on gold, jewlry and lots of adornments,
Issa said: Who are you??
She said: I am the dunya!
He said: How many did you marry? *As in how many hearts have you entered
She said: I cant even count
He said: Did all of them leave you?
She said: I kiled all of them
The dunya put its magic on them
He quotes a beautiful aya at 21minutes about those who are ghafleen-blind/lost from Allah and how they will react on the Day of Judgement, but I cant remeber where the aya is...he quotes alot of nice ayas and hadiths but its hard to find! sorry!
22 Minutes

And they are] thosewho, if We give them authority in the land, establish prayerand give zakahand enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And to Allah belongs the outcome of [all] matters.
These people didnt forget about Allah, and when the dunya tries to take its heart and trick him/her, they feel guilty, because Allah is in his heart so he/she goes back to Allah quickly
24 Minutes
This is my favorite part of this lecture and I think ima use it if I ever do a lecture!
He says I want you to do three things when listing to this series
1. Open up your heart and feel like I am talking to you so it can have an impact on you. When I talk about the fitnah,sins, etc,
say 'Oh he is talking about me, oh maybe thats me?!
Open your heart and feel liek I am talkin to you directly, dont say "ohhhh thats not me, no no I am good" ALWAYS OPEN YOUr heart in every episode and picture it might be you I am talking about...I myself ask myself before I begin these episodes oh is that me?
When open your heart the message will get there more
2. Face yourself, if I say signs of those who are under the magic of dunya and they are in you then know that you are under the magic of this dunya...or this blessing. It became a hijab-veil between you and Allah..
3. Take the cure
I am going to give you cures on how to cure this sihr-magic from the Prophet, and Allah
Lets be honest with ourselfs....
Is the dunya a door to Allah ???
Is it a hijab-veil or jail in which we cannot feel Allah because of the dunya??
ahhh I love this conclusion of these questions Subhnallah
listen to how he says it in arabic heres where he asks this question
Now ask yourself and take some time to think about the answer...if you want me to contunie "attempting" to translate these amazing series let me know!!

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