Wednesday, July 4, 2012

FireWorks-Allahs Works

Fireworks light up the sky during the annual Macy's Fourth of July fireworks display over the Hudson River as seen from New York, Wednesday, July 4, 2012. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Furticella)

 People come from all parts of NJ and NY just to watch this NY fireworks spectacular, but subhnallah when I came home 2 hours later from this show I found that Allah had put on His own show for those who contemplate and pay attention to His signs.Thousands of people watched the NY fireworks show and other shows around the country, but how many got to watch what Allah has shown?

My friend Diana texted me saying, 'Huda you have to go outside.Check out the sky. Its like opening. And bits of light. I cant explain it."

I didnt understand what she was saying, so I looked out of my window and there it was, some type of lights in the sky, at first I thought it was more fireworks, but I realized this is only the creation of Allah SubhannAllah...I decided to bring a chair and watch the show go on with some duaa by Mishary and Hani in the background.

These ayas from Surah AlFurqan remind me of what I saw, an emotional reciation by Idris Abkar with english translation amazing Subhnallah

And it is He Who made the Night and the Day to follow each other: for such as have the will to celebrate His praises or to show their gratitude. 25:62
While people celebrate with man-made fireworks, I got to celebrate in the best way possible. Subhnallah what an amazing show that was. I tried to capture it the way you capture the images of the fireworks, but I just couldnt. I hope you all get a chance to watch a show like that. In the end I realized it was lighting, but this time I wasnt scared I watched it the way the millions of people would watch the NY fireworks show, in enjoyment and relaxation, except this was from Allah and it brought me a remembrance of Allah...<3
Best firework show ever alhumdAllah...its called the lighting show and its by Allah alone...look for it next time and sit yourself down the way you would for the NY fireworks show, you wont be disappointed!

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