Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lectures In Sign Language: Foreign & Amazing

Quran translation Fundraiser YA
 Today for the first time in my life & maybe for the first time in a Northern NJ Masjid,  I heard a lecture by Nashiru Abdulai who is the president of
And Nashiru cant hear me, and he was using a language that was very foreign to me and my Masjid....he was using sign language...and it was one of the most amazing/inspiring lectures I have ever attended!

Although we both cannot hear one another, just like Allah whom you do not hear, the communication and realtionship is still there and it is strong, SubhanAllah. 
You dont have to hear one another to love one another. Think of the babies you meet, does this baby understand you when you speak? Dont you love this baby more than anyone else, and yet you dont really "hear" the baby speak, but being around them brings this smile to your face... (I meet an adorable baby today also and the sheikh thought she was my daughter lol!)She also put a smile on my next goal is to meet a blind Muslim!!
This is how I felt when I meet Antia who also speaks a language that is very foreign to me, but speaking to her was a conversation better then speaking with one who speaks of vain talk...the greatest understanding me and my friend Diana had with Antia was not expressed through  words, but rather through smiles..just like that of the baby which keeps you smiling all day long for no reason subhanAllah.

I think we should always have people like Nashiru speak more often in our Masjids.
It may be that people like Nashiru  can inspire and enlighten the crowd  in a way the sheikhs are unable to do so.  Whats I found interesting is that Nashiru is my neighbor (lives in the next town over) and I have never seen him before in my neigborhood because the over 1o masjids in the Northern NJ area have not been able to provide translations for his langauge, but I have hope inshallah that soon people like Nashiru will be the keynote speakers of many future lectures and Muslim events in NJ.
The last time I felt excited about meeting someone was when I meet Sr.Taybah
(the mother of 3daughters who are fighting MPS-
I want to end this post with one of my recitations, Surah Al Rahman - and there are captions availble!!

So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? Surat AlRahman 13

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