Sunday, June 24, 2012

Benefits of Volunteering

In todays Islam ElFahymoui lecture he said,

"When someone asks you for help, look at this opprtunity as a blessing from Allah"

AlhumdAllah I had the blessing of always being able to volunteer at various events including
Islamic Relief events with various famous Muslims such as Hanan Turk and Mustfah Hosny
 (I lovvveee this guy!) ,Maher Zain orphans concert, Smiles orphans fundraiser, Cairs banquet, and others I cant remeber....
I came up with a list of the benefits of volunteering
1. Meeting other cool Muslims who have the same interests as you-  (other volunteers)
2. Volunteering is always fun, funner then siting down doing nothing as an attendee..
3.Networking - your volunteering can lead to meeting professionals who have opportunities for you
4.You meet Muslim celebrities LOL, and you get photos with them!
5.Free admissions to expensive events you cant afford, and free foooood

And finally a benefit that is priceless in the next world, Allah is rewarding you!!!
Any money fundraised  or anything you do you get rewarded Inshallah!!


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