Monday, June 11, 2012

Its Gone

Its amazing how when you meet and part for Allah, you develop an unbreakable bond and intense love for each other. Think of the people you got to know in Hajj or through a halaqa. What an amazing blessing from Allah al hamdulila

-Omar Sulieman after the AlMaghrib Seminiar

As I exit the AlMaghrib classroom  I feel as if I have left a beautiful akhairh, as I re-enter the reality of dunya. The last time I had this feeling of coming back into the dunya was when me and two others left the mosque after our first Quran halaqa.

It is the feeling you get when you pray your last tarwheeh prayer of Ramdan, or the feeling of leaving Hajj or Umrah (still have not experienced it)...its like aw man its done?

It was a feeling of 'Alnafs almutmaa"
but now as I return back to the regular daily life of dunya I feel as if the feeling is gone. 

The Prophet said:

No people gather together in one of the Houses of Allah, reciting the Book of Allah and studying it among themselves, except that sakeenah (tranquility) descends upon them, and mercy envelops them, and the angels surround them, and Allah mentions them amongst those who are with Him.

When we left the course Allah sent us a very light set of rain, and the sunset was amazing that day, it as if everything was great the final moments, but as I sit here on this Monday a day after the course I feel as if the calming feeling is slowly diminshing. I dont want it to leave, I want it to last forever. I always want to feel the tranqual feeling I have felt during this course just as that of Ramadan or the journey of Hajj...theres something special about these gatherings, you truly feel the tranquality and you feel the presences of the angels.

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