Friday, June 8, 2012

AlNafs AlMutmaa- Best Feeling In The World



To the righteous soul  it will be said, "O reassured soul"-27
Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing to Him-28
-Surat AlFajr
Very emotional recitation of Surat AlFajr with a tearful duaa about nafs almutmaa

What is the best feeling in the world?
It is to attain this type of nafs (soul) AlNafs Almutmaa-The Soul of Peace

I hope inshallah one day I can write about experiencing this feeling, every time I hear a shiekh/speaker mention this word ,I almost feel the "mutamaa" and a reassurance that inshallah that day is close...the day where I will be of those who has this type of soul inshalalh...

What is alnafs almutmaa? Today I was at the Al-Maghrib seminar by Omar Suleiman (this guy is so awesome masahhalh) and he said , " This is the peaceful soul. It is to busy with pleasing Allah, it  ignores its own desires" I want this nafs,inshallahhhh im hoping by the end of this class I will get the tools and knowledge needed to attain this  type of nafs.

Other defintions of alnafs almutmaa I learned from other lectures,

" In surat Al-Fajr, the nafs almutaa is the soul which is calm under the commandment of Allah. It doesnt pro-long the thinking of sin, it automatcially stops thinking of the sin"
-Dr.Atlaf Hussein


 When the Nafs is tranquil because of obeying Allah, and the
  soul opposes its desires, this soul is known as Nafs al-Mutma
-Sa'id Hawwa

Imagine this:

 "The Nafs al-Mutma`inna has an angel to help it, who assists and guides it"
 -Imam Baghwi

Ya Allah please make it easy for all of us to attin this type of nafs(soul)

Who wouldnt want this type of nafs?

Subhnallah just as im about to write about this aya, played the aya.. Ya Allah

Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.

 Also while writing this post, I came across Zaied Abaasis speech after his wife Rehab Alburi, passed away (May Allah make her of those in Jannah!)
 her blog inspired me to write this blog-
Zaied writes,
" As we walked towards the elevator after the appointment, I looked at Rehab, and with tears in her eyes she said "Wallahi [I swear by Allah] life is about ridaa Allah [seeking the pleasure of God], everything else is just circumstance" I immediately knew what she meant. She felt guilty that on the car ride over, her goals had changed. Her goal became trying to get healthy - now there is absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on her health, mind you - but she was guilty that her end goal had changed. On the way back to the car she kept repeating "Life is about ridaa Allah, and everything else is circumstantial"
If we make this our main concern/ end goal in life (ridaa) then inshallah we have one of the keys to attaning  alnafs almutmaa!

Ya Allah make us of those who have al-nafs almutmaa!

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