Friday, June 22, 2012

Prayer: Tasting The Sweetness

When I taste the sweetness of prayer I just want to stay in that prayer longer subhnAllah. I love when I feel the sakinah(tranquality) of salat, it ussually happens in Ramadan and in the Masjid (esp when the iman has an amazing voice!!!). Today I felt it and I wanted to stay standing longer, I wanted the sheikh to contunie reciting the Quran I was wishing it was Ramadan so the prayer can be longer, and then I remebered the following aya (not exctally but similiar one cant find it),

They fall down on their faces in tears, and it increases their (earnest) humility. 17:109

If you can do this in your prayer you feel like you have achievd a piece of alnafs almutmaa
(the peaceful soul descirbed in the last ayas of Surat Al Fajr)
I see why there is much benefit in praying in jamaah (toghther) and in the masjid 
you do feel a differnce!

May Allah grant me many days in which I can pray in the
Masjid and feel the peace, and sakinah!

Now I understand the Prophet statetment:
Get up, Bilal, and give us comfort by the prayer
Ibn Al-Qayyim said with regards to what one should do to cure his weak Iman using the Quran, "First you should remove your heart from the life of this world and settle it in the Last Life. Then, pay your full attention to pursuing the meanings of the Quran, and try to comprehend and understand them and what they were sent down to accomplish. Then, offer these meanings to the sickness that your heart feels, and when they touch the disease, they will cure the heart, Allah willing."

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