Monday, March 26, 2012

Hasaan Al Basri & My Love For Surat AlFajr

Two things I learned at IAMY convention.

If you dont know, I am in love with Hassan Al Basris quotes, and wisdom. During the convention one of the speakers (i think Yasir Birjas) quoted the amazing Al Basri, I lovvvveee it.

I beleive it helps you remove pride and it can keep you humble,
and it reminds you of Allahs blessings,

This is the beautiful quote (not excat but heres what I wrote)

"Allah has created some creations to mainfiest His mercy"
The speaker added, "It is thorugh me and you Allah will show his mercy to others"

 This is so beautiful and what I learned or understood from it(might be wrong) is if you do have this blessing of being mercifcul and kind to others, then know it is not from YOU but only from Allah. If you are a good ambassdor of Islam, it is not because YOU but rather beacause Allah is using to set a good examples for those around you. It is a blessing with responsbility! 

During the convention Dr.Atlaf Hussein talked about one of my faviorite ayas, I know I say that about alot of ayas, but this is like realllllly my faviorite, I try to listen to this surah as much as I can for the last four ayas,


To the righteous it will be said, "O reassured soul,
Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing  to Him,
And enter among My [righteous] servants
And enter My Paradise.
Arent these ayas beautiful?
Now listen to the interptation this sheikh gave (not exact but what I wrote down),
He said, In surat Al-Fajr, the nafs almutaa is the soul which is calm under the commandment of Allah. It doesnt pro-long the thinking of sin, it automatcially stops thinking of the sin. It is the highest of  three states.
In moments when you feel like you cannot move on, and you feel hopless this is the best time to turn to Allah because only He can remove this feeling of distress, and this is what is meant in the aya "Return to Allah"in Surat Al-Fajr. When everyone lets you down, and I am all alone, this is my perfect chance to turn to Allah and have a private meeting with him.
I will never forget these two things I learned!

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