Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So Cute!! Babies and Childern Wordly Life Adornments

So Cute!! Babies and Childern Wordly Life Adornments

When you see a baby smiling at you, you cannot help but give a big smile back.They make you laugh, smile and forget about the worldly worries. At the same time they are distractions for us from the next life. One common complaint many mothers complain of is a lack of time to do more islamic acts of worship. How many mothers have complianed of this? How can childern take them away from the deen you may ask? Allah descirbes this multiple times in the Quran, Surat Al-Khaf 46

Wealth and children are but adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better for one's hope.

Recenlty after on a visit to my aunts freinds house to see her 6 month old baby son, and 3 year old daughter, I thought deeply about this aya. You can use these two things to your advantage or disavdantage. For an example wealth: you can get carried away with it, and think only about gaining wealth, forget about gaining deeds, or you can use it to your advantage: sadaqa jaraya, zakat, donatiting it, sposnor orphans, etc. The same is with childern, you can get carried away with their cutness and forget about reading Quran or getting up to pray, or you can use them to your advantage: " Paradise lies under the feets of the mothers".

It is all about the way you do everything, and your intnetions. So next time you see a cute baby smiling at you , smile back because its charity,and be kind to them because Allah loves kindness.

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