Monday, March 12, 2012

They Inspire Me, Fatima Kasem, Rehab Alburi, Prophet Muhammad

Whats your Legacy? How are you going to leave it behind?
These Legacy's Have Inspired Me, Fatima Kasem, Rehab Alburi,Prophet Muhamad

Alfaitha for those who have passed before us

"A Muslim doesn't look to befriend everyone but is friendly to everyone"

When I think of this quote three people come to my mind, although I have never meet these people I know they surely lived up to the second part of " be friendly to everyone". They left behind legacy's and whenever I think of my death, I think to myself I want to be remembered the way these people were remembered, I want my janzah to be as full as these  janzah prayers. These three are Prophet Muhammed, Rehab Alburi and Fatima Kasem. Were they not kind to everyone? They truly won the hearts of people all over, and they left behind a legacy. Sometimes you get to the point where you just want to be away from everyone, and you just want to live life on your own, but this is not a realistic lifestyle for the true Muslim. One of the greatest test is how we deal with one another.

Along with these two women I also remember the Prophet Muhammad and his kindness to people, weather Muslim or not, he was able to win the hearts of the people, and his kindness attracted lots of people to Islam. One of my favorite charcterstics of the Prophet is his smile.

" I have not seen any man smiling more then the Prophet"-Abudallah Harith

I came across this hadith moments after some girl put me down by asking me why was I always smiling (I was going to vow to not smile again!) but humdallah when I read this I wanted to smile more then ever! Without a doubt I can say these two women were probably always smiling. Sometimes all it takes to win a persons heart is a simple smile! Think about it, can you avoid smiling back at someone who has just smiled at you? I think that its amazing how Islam has made this small act as a form of charity. Its a contagious form of charity to!
I just realized that I started writing this blog (well the old one which i delted -_-) after i read rehab alburi's blog. She was definitely an inspiration to me (notice i never even meet this women!). She made me think, wow I would love to leave behind something like this for people to look back at if I ever died. And my other inspiration was a lecture series where the journalist Juju Chang stated, "Everyone has a story, a legacy, your job is to tell that legacy". Whats the best way to leave behind a legacy? Write it.

Now that I think of it even the Prophet left behind his legacy by writing it (or saying it), the ahadith is the reason why we are able to read, live, and learn about his legacy! Even the sahbis, and all the great scholars, they left behind legacys through records, words, writting, and books.
Subhanallah the power of writing.
"So keep doing what you doing dont stop, just inspire me"
-Moez Melon

Sometimes you need inspiration to keep doing what you doin, I believe words of encouragement helps.This is why our Prophet left behind his legacy, as inspiration for the Muslmeen.

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