Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Inspirtion From the Protestors

 Inspirtion From the Protestors

Exactly one year ago, the world reknown Mohamed Bouazizi burned himself in Tunisia. This same event lead to something amazing; the unity of the ummah. You may not have noticed this common theme of ummah unity. The mutual pain the ummah felt for the man, lead to these protests. When the Prophet says something, we know it is true, and he said,

"The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer."

It is like the body, if the kidney stops working, the whole body fails. I saw how easy it is for shyatn to disconnect an ummah, even if it is the disconnection between just two Muslims, it still ruins the body. The shytan make its so hard for us to connect, and so easy for us to find ways to disconnect. The ummah is like the creation of multicelluar cell units.. one cell connects to another and creates a multitude of cells, but if one fails the whole system fails and the result is cancer. When the ummmah fails it creates cancer and it kills the body.

But if the ummah succeeds then beautiful things can happen, and the ummah can become the reason for unity across the world. I know the protests are happening all around the world, in Muslim and Non-Muslim countries, but we must know the start of it all was in a Muslim nation, where the ummah was at pain, where the ummah reacted in unity.

As I sit here and read the Times Magazine, special edition "Person of The Year, The Protester" I think to myself, subhanallah the power of unity. I love this statement the editor makes in his introduction, "Thats one reason we did not select an individual this year. But leadership has come from the bottom of the pyramid, not the top". If we apply this common theme in Islam, the result will be a strong ummah, where not one person is leading,but the people of the ummah lead collectively. When there is a collective effort to lead or do something it can be done, but when this is lost the ummah is lost.
Surely this nation of yours is one nation,
and I am your Lord, so worship Me.

The best state of the ummah is when it is in one state, one nation, under One God. When the ummah falls, it has come under the influence of shytan, and it has failed.

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