Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hey Hijabi Girl You are Oppressed Nor Like The Rest but Truly Blessed!

Hey Hijabi Girl You are Oppressed, nor like the rest but truly blessed!

Is that Muslim covered girl really oppressed?

Ask the Muslim covered girl, who truly loves her Lord...she will never say yes! She knows shes not like the rest and that she was truly blessed. She knows her Lord has prescribed for her only whats best!

I got a blessing I adore and I will always protect. Why dont they ask the girl who was told beauty is pain if she has ever felt oppressed? Why do they assume I am oppressed, man if they only knew why I put my beauty on hold! First for my Lord, and because not every man desevres to see me at my best!

We was told to put our goodies on hold, psh us Muslim women we got it best! We only allow our men to see us at our best when they have decided to commit to us alone.

I got a blessing I adore, its my beauty, and I cover it with something I also adore, can you guess? Its called the hijab, can you say God Bless?

I only show my goodies to the man who is going to treat me as his best, not every man who is just like the rest. None of them deserve to see me at my best. I aint got my body sculpted in that little tiny dress..I got it covered, and I dont care if that man defines me as he aint know what I got presevred...

I got a commandment I gotta fulfill from my Lord who knows what is best, I dont follow the desires of man who wants to enjoy for a few moments and truly oppress...

They say our religion oppresses and our women are ignored , but they got it wrong because we got a whole chapter in the Quran dedicated to us...its called Surat Al-Nisa (Women) in case you aint know...176 verses long, yup that ones for us! If our men follow what they were sent, then all us Muslim girls would get the prince we all deserve. You heard him say it, the Messnger said it way before,
"the best of you are those best to thier wives".

HEY you Muslim covered girl,

Know that you are not like the rest, and surely you are not oppressed, but you are truly blessed..<3

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