Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hmm I wonder How Allah Answered My Duaa!?

Almost Got It...Hmm I wonder How Allah Answered My Duaa!?

Its time to pray, I make some duaa to win the raffle of the day at MSA.
I ask Allah to give me the flat screen TV if it it meant for me.

I thought to myself let me try and ask the Divine.

Let me see what Allah has in store for me.

Let me see how He answers me.

Im driving towards exit fifteen E, Turnpike North, and my friend texts me,

"You won the raffle ticket, and its a tv".

I thought to myself, Allah has answered me!

And then I thought again, wait, the tv is not with me so did He answer me?
Of course!

He did it in a different way, and the wisdom behind it is one I wish I can know,

but there are somethings the Lord just doesnt tell us,

He just wants you to believe him.

He just wants us to ask and leave the decsion to Him alone.

Subhanallah these are the wonders of our Lord.

Most of the time man will never know what Allah has stored.

Dont underestimate the power of your Lord.

He is the Most-Kind, He would never deprive those who love thier Lord.

Next time your duaa is not answered the way you wanted, dont be scared.

Allah only wants what is best for you.

Im always gona wonder what would happen if I got to take home the TV,

but one thing I know is Allah only gives me what I want and much more.

I shouldnt worry about the decree of the Lord, and I should keep on beleiveing

because Hes going to give me much more, never lose hope in your Lord.

There are somethings we will not know and Allah says this in the

Holy Quran: Last aya of Surat Al-Luqman

Indeed, Allah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour

and sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs.

And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow,

and no soul perceives in what land it will die.

Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

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