Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sunshine and Signs

Sunshine and Signs

How can you ignore the bright shinning sign acting like you dont know this is a sign from your Lord? There are many signs to think and ponder upon, and for me the sun is probably the greatest reminder. It rays are so bright, you may close your eyes, but open your heart as it can soften it with a great reminder. It is a reminder of the creation of your Lord and His Greatness. You must take this sighn and take a moment to ponder. Close your eyes, but make sure your heart is open, for truly it is a great reminder.
This sign is described in the Quran, 41:37

Among His Signs are the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon. Do not prostrate to the sun and the moon, but prostrate to Allah, Who created them, if it is Him you wish to serve.

I got to learn more about sighns at a Surat Yasin tafseer lecture, in the Masjid.

The sighns of Allah are all around us, and if you cannot see them and use them as reminders then it is for two reasons, you try hard not to or Alllah has placed a barrier in front of you.

There are many signs, and in order for us to understand these signs we must use what Allah has given us. Allah has given us the ability to hear, see, and think.

There are two outcomes after you have recived the sighns, the ability to understand and expericne them. You will either thank Allah and beleive in Him, or you will be a Kafr - disbeliver.

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