Friday, March 23, 2012

Money Doesnt Grow Off Trees, But Rather Your Good Deeds!

Money doesnt grow off tress, but rather your good deeds!

"If you give, He will double it"

 I wrote this statement last year after attending a very inspiring Moustfah Hosny,  Islamic Releif event. He really changed the way I think of donating, and he gave the crowd an inspiring true story about a very poor man who had almost nothing, but he still made sure he gave from his earnings monthly.

Why am I re-writting about this topic? Because I have a personal story I beleive will inspire you. I just want to say I am not writting this to brag, and I would rather keep this matter private, but I beleive real stories inspire you the most, just like the story I heard of during Moustfah Hosnys speech.

During the IAMY convention, I decided I would donate a $100.00. I was going to raise my hand to announce my pledge, but I decided to keep the matter to myself. I remebered I only had like $60.00 in my card (i am only a student worker lol) but then I was excited to remeber I would be picking up a check on Monday. The check was around a $100.00. I told myself I would pay slowly by giving $75 first and then paying the rest later. Guess what? The next day I went to speak to the admissions office for a job I been wanting since Sept (Student ambassdor job) and I got the job that same minute. Guess how much the job pays? $75! Later that day I realized this is all from Allah, and this is because
I pledged to make that $75 dollar donation.
Humdallah I decided to make the full $100.00 donation instead.

Next story,
I was in my job and I overheard them talking about how some store in JSQ called because they were looking to hire students for a job. I thought of who I can inform, and I decided to call up my cousin who is unemployed, and paying for school. Humdallah he went and he is in the process of interviews and phone calls, I hope inshallah if it is meant for him he will get the job. Guess what happen to me the next day? I got a call for an interview also.
Again I realized this is only because of the blessings of Allah.

Take these stories into consideraton the next time you hesitate to donate, and rember the aya (I just heard it today during jumma)

And spend  in the way of Allah   from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, "My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous."
Do you want to be of the group described in this aya?

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