Wednesday, March 7, 2012

FaceBook? Or Allahs Book? The Choice is Yours

FaceBook? Or Allahs Book? The Choice is Yours


You open this book multiple times and hours a day, you even stay up late in the night, can you guess which book this is? Quran or FaceBook? Now, I ask you another question..can you close FaceBook for a couple of minutes, and open Allahs book? I invite you to a special event, I invite you to spend a moment with Allah, I invite you to read Kitab Allah, The Holy Quran. Now would you accept? Maybe? Or automatically decline?

The Quran:It is the book people have choose to ignore, the book people have forgetten, ever wonder why? Because theyre to busy on FaceBook. I hate FaceBook because it takes my ummah away from a beautiful book, the book of Allah, the Holy Quran <3. Sharing notifications on this book of each others sins, but they have forgetten about the notifications set up for them by Allah , "Indeed, in this [Qur'an] is notification for a worshipping people". They enjoy sharing on their book, but they forget of the book Allah has shared to them exclusively.

Now I ask you one final thing, if you are convinced, can you click that X on the top of your screen and call it a night for FaceBook, and click on the link below for a new chapter? I dare you to click, i dare you to shut down your FaceBook, and read Allahs book<3 ..

(while you reading it you can listen to it, beautiful

I choose surat Al-Anbiya I think the starting aya is a heart catcher, and it scares me but in a good way i love it.

The time of their account has approached for the people, while they are in heedlessness turning away.

And the reality of this life lies in this aya...

Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.

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