Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hoodies, Hijabs & Hate Crimes

When I first saw the hash tag on twitter #hoodiesandhijab  I feel in love with the idea.
For all of you who dont know, hoodies represents the young black boy-Trayvon who was shot dead in Flordia because he looked suspicious and he was wearing a hoodie. The hijab represents the Muslim mother of five-Shaima, who was beaten to death because  basically she is Muslim, a hate letter was found next to her. These incidents both occurred in the same time period.

Why am  I in love with  this hashtag? Because it shows you something, it shows you that there is still hate being shown towards these two groups. It shows you that we are in solidarity for one another because in the end we are alll American. Its not just a "Muslim" thing, or just a "Black" people thing, its a fight for the justice for all, just like it is stated in our famous American documents, and the famous pledge of allegiance.

The beautiful picture above is from  http://twitter.com/#!/GlobalNomad87 I believe they are a group of college students, the guys are wearing hoodies, and the women are wearing hijab! I love it, and I am trying to see if students at my campus are interested in doing a similar solidarity, I know they are looking into doing something for the boy that was killed.

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