Thursday, March 8, 2012

Breakin the Guardian Rule? Your Such A Fool

The Guardian Rule

(Applies to both guys/girls)

Breaking Gods rules thinking you gona get that
fool to respect and truly love you?

You broke the rule you fool? You think you was doing good
 when you went out on your own?
Think again, break the guardian rule, as a consequence
you no longer got anyone protectin you.

Now you are all alone, on your own with that
fool who might hurt and possibly abuse you.

You fool why did you break Allahs guardian rule?
You think that your fake love is gona save you? 
Haha he just gona heart-break and abuse you, and eventually leave you.

Will you then look for your guardians protection?

You didnt get the protection from day one.
 Tell me now whos gona help you?
Your abusive habibi, that fool?

 You can still turn to Allah, He will always be there, but first
you gota repent because  you broke the guardian rule.

I doubt you have the guts to go back to your guardian and say,

"Baba i kind of disobeyed you and I dated some fool,
now hes abusing me and I dont know what to do!"

See if you just followed the rule the day you meet that fool, you would lower the chances of  getting mentally or physically hurt and abused.

Sighning that contract that starts off with Bismallah Al Rahmaan Araheem, and then you got not one, two, but three witnesses by your side,
and the guardian, and most improtnatly Allah. 
How did you forget to include these blessings all from day one?
Abused, broken-hearted, lost and confused, all alone, and just another fool.

All this because you choose to break the gurdian rule.

What inspired me to write this harsh piece?

"If you take anything from this lecture, take this, Islam puts these rules of having a gurdian only to protect you. It is all for the protecting of the women" -Islam Elfahoymoui
(Im sorry if I misquoted him but he said something quite similar, cannot remember the exact pharse)
The next day in my womens study class a women came in to speak about abuse. She started narrating her own story. She told us she had been with her boyfriend early in highschool, and by her senior year they were living toghether. She slowly saw that he was begining to abuse her mentally and physically. Her father was also abusive to her mother (they never got married and also just "lived toghther").

All I can think of is the "Guardian Rule". All I can think of is the point Dr.Islam wanted us to realize, that the guardian rule is simply there to protect women like me and you. All I can think is ahumdallah alya naamaat al Islam, alhumdallah, and how I never want to break that rule.

Ask Allah to give us stregth to not break this rule!

 Remeber if you do you are only a fool.

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