Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Free Your Mind , Free Your Soul, By Remebering the Lord

Free Your Mind , Free Your Soul, By Remebering The Lord

Free your mind, free your soul, do this through remembering your Lord. Forget about the things that are not everlasting,but dont ever forget the Lord who is Ever Lasting. Things in this world come and go but He would never let you go. He is the freer of the soul. Know that He is not like the rest, He will bring your heart rest,

" And surely the hearts find rest in the remembrance of thier Lord" 13:28

Dont get carried away with worldy love, love of other souls, love of money, this love is not the true love your heart needs, because true love will never break your heart. Love something Greater,love the Creator of Love. It can get hard and you may forget but always return to Him, and that His open door are awaiting.

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