Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Crying, Attachments, Why Allah Is Only Worth It Alll..

Crying, Attachments, Why Allah Is Only Worth It Alll..

"No ones worth your tears". This statement is nice and all but it doesn't make sense because only those you care about make you cry, because how much you cared about them and how hurt you feel. Whats the point of crying to no one when , the Prophet said : "There is nothing more beloved to Allah than two drops; A teardrop shed out of fear of Allah" <3 Reading this made me feel so much better, subhanallah. Some may not be worth your tears, but surely Allah is worth your tears.

Another thing i heard before but did not take advantage of was, "Dont get attached to people, get attached to Allah".. I want to learn how to be at this state of attachment. I want to be able to forget about what the people have made me feel like, or may have said, and to remember that Allah is always there and Ever-Lasting. How often does He wait for us to call on Him but we never do =/. Imagine if we feel sad when our friends stop talking to us, imagine how sad or upset Allah is when we dont make efforts to call on Him everyday. He is the only worth feeling sad about, I should only feel sad when I feel I have displeased Allah.

I want Him to be my only concern, I want to only be sad when I feel I have lost a moment of communicating with Him. Who is more Merciful and Kind than the Most Kind, and the Most Merciful? Who cares about your tears the most? How can I forget about my favorite verse when the Most Kinds tells us,

"And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad SAW) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near to them. I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me. So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright."

It is my faviorite aya but at the same time it makes me sad because how often do I forget to call upon Him... how often do i get to caught up with creation that I forget Allah is waiting for me to call on Him.. how often do I forget that all that is in this life is passing, and that one day I will meet Him..I will meet Allah SWT <3 Inshallah

I love Hasaan Al Basri... this quote couldnt have come up in a more better time!
He mentions that the first thing that the Muslim should be concerned with is the reform of herself or himself. Then he says, “A Muslim should strive to attain a strong body, good character, cultured thought. He should be able to earn a living, have pure belief, and correct worship. He should be able to control his desires, be careful about his time, organized in his affairs, and beneficial to those around him. These comprise the duties of every Muslim as an individual."

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