Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mixed Weddings- The Halal Muslim Parties

Mixed weddings; its like umm ya I cant go to that frat party because im Muslim, but its okay if I go to a mixed wedding ya, thats totally halal.

At a mixed wedding its okay if I dance in front of men but I would never go to mixed party.

At a mixed wedding its okay if I miss my prayers because we cant stop the party just to pray but I would never skip salat al jumaa.

At a mixed wedding its okay if I have a beautiful tight dress on, and lots of makeup with my hijab tied to back, but I would never go to the Mosque like that.

At a mixed wedding its okay if the bride-groom spend over ten thousand dollars for this one night of haram, but they would never think of donating at all.

At a mixed wedding its okay if the bride decides to take off her hijab and let hundreds of non-mahrams see her beauty, even though she was supposedly wearing hijab to save her beauty all for one guy, but she would never go to class without it on.

At a mixed wedding well invite hundreds of people to the haram , but normally we advise each other to do good.

Its like why dont we just go to a college party? Whats the difference between these two environments? Nothing, we just have this perception that its halal to do all of that at a wedding...according to who? According to our cultures which have nothing to do with Islam and honestly overall no respect to Islam and Allahs commandments.

I dont understand how you can live a good married life if you start off totally wrong, not only are you doing wrong, but you are inviting people to the wrong.

I really hope I dont end up doing this mistake these people are doing just because im Arab or just because his family said so. I hope everyone who reads this wil have the courage to say, no I dont want a mixed wedding, because yes it is haram.

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