Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Stop, dont shake the hand, move on, feel good!

Dont Shake My Hand! Im Not Embarrassed Of him but Rather Him

You are about to enter a room for a meeting or interview with a man, he puts out his hand to give salams, you must quickly make a decision to shake or not.You think to yourself, if I dont shake his hand he wont give me the job! If I dont shake his hand I will embarras him! Are you more worried about embarrass yourself in the dunya in front of him or embarrasing yourself on the Day of Judgement in front of Him-Allah SWT?

If you obey Allah then dont worry because that shake aint gona get you the job, but rather it is Allah who will provide. I used to fear this when it came to shaking hands, and then I spoke to someone who gave a interesting story about shaking hands. After that day I committed to try my best not to shake a mans hand, even if it meant ruining my chances for a job! Humdallah its been working and although I spend lots of time apologizing, it feels good in the end to not shake his hand.

Recently I had to meet with the Vice President of Student Affairs at my college (important guy!), as I was about to walk into his office all I can think is to shake or not to shake?! As he opened the door and called me in, I noticed him and his assistant were both standing all I can think is watch them shake my hand! We said our greetings and as I was waiting for them both to put thier hands out, he said to have a seat. It was such a reliving feeling! And then he said to me I didnt shake your hand, because I know in your religion it is not allowed. I smiled and told him how happy I was because of the decision he had made! He said, he remembered while watching All-American Muslim one of the hijabis shaked a guys hand, and her husband was mad and he explained it is not allowed.

Feb 26, 2012

So right after I posed this entry I found myself in another dont shake my hand situtation. I was at Pizza Hut and I saw my classmate, he was saying hi and then he put out his hand i pulled back and i said i cant! He was confused and he asked oh you cant say hi im sorry! And then I explained that muslims dont shake hands. He was so understanding and he totally forgot about it.

So look dont be shy to say no, it may be embarrasing for you and the man, but remember the greater embrasment you would have to go through on the Day of Judgement if you displease Allah.

Stop, dont shake the hand, move on, feel good!

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