Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dr.Islam ElFahymoui: Tawbah Contd

Dr.Islam ElFahymoui is continuing his lecture on the topic of tawbah
Here is what he said:
Knowledge then acknowledge
If your eman is in mid level you make tawbah because your fear will be losing in this dunya, and a fear of the punishment of hell fire
If your eman is high your main concern is seeking Allahs love. Your ultimate goal: seek and achieve the love of Allah
Allah grants tawbah because He is AlTawaab
One of the most important names of Allah that He wants to everyone to know is Al Tawab. What is the evidence?
When Adam sinned in Jannah, he was running, running in Jannah...Adam keept running until Allah sent him the words: "Make Tawbaah"
The angels will never understand the deep concept of Allahs name Al Tawaab. Allah will tell you come to Me and I will forgive you. The human being will forgive you once,twice, but Allah is the Al Hilm: The Most Fore bearing. He will wait for you to come repent.
Noboday can tell you Allah will only forgive you once, Allah will forgive countless times <3
If you do something bad, make tawabah right after, its a cycle: you make mistakes fix it, make mistakes fix it.
Did the Prophet make tawbaah?
Yes, of course, he was the one who repented more then anyone even though he did not sin
Prophet said: "Oh people seek forgiveness from Allah for I make tawbaah to Allah 100 times everyday"
All does not want you to make tawbaah once every 3 years, rather Allah wants you to make tawbaah every day.
How do we make tawbah?
In Surat Al Tahrim, aya 8, Allah describes tawbaah as a "nasiha" in arabic this word comes from the word meaning: advising. It also means complete, sincere:
O you who have believed, repent to Allah with sincere repentance. Perhaps your Lord will remove from you your misdeeds and admit you into gardens beneath which rivers flow  on the Day when Allah will not disgrace the Prophet and those who believed with him. Their light will proceed before them and on their right; they will say, "Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent."
Why does Allah describe tawbah as a "nasiha" advisement:
The scholars say a complete tawbah means you cannot say "Oh Allah I will stop stealing except from this person" Complete means there are no exceptions
You may make tawabh and make a mistake again, but at that moment of making tawbah your intention must be a complete tawbah
During an advising tawbah you make a moment of it: if you try to make the same sin again, that tawbah you made will remind you to not make the sin again. This is a tawabah filled with tears and queit time.
When you make sincere tawbah you felt that this tawabh is advising.
The deepness and sincerity in your tawabah becomes that moment in life that will remind you when you go to the sin again. Tawbah is a high level of forgiveness.It is a strong intention to sincerely repent.
6 Rules of Tawbah : Requires some quiet time
1. Ikhlas: sincerity:
You cannot make tawbah to prevent harm. You make tawbah because you seek Allahs forgiveness
Tawabah is only for Allah, unless you should share glad tidings (to encourage other Muslims to make tawabh) but dont mention your sin.
2. Naadeem: regret, remorse:
You have to really regret your sin
3. Yaqyn Bkbul Allah: certainity that Allah has accepted your tawbaah
Have hope that your tawbah for that sin is accepted.
You have to know sincerly that Allah has accpeted your tawbah so that Allah can accept your tawbah:Isnt that so beautiful!?
If you truly beleive Allah has accepted your tawabah, then Allah has accepted your tawbaah
4. Iklaa, Removal:
Feel and know that you will not return to this sin
Make tawabah twice a day to catch most of your sins
5. I will take real steps towards keeping away from the sin
ex: i quit drinking, so I tell my friends who drink that I cant hang out with them anymore
"waqfat al azum: a moment of strength"
6.  Return that which you owe to others. Seek peoples forgiveness
ex: you stole so you return the item to the person
Backbit ting: If you go to your bro or sis and you want to tell them the bad you spoke about them, make sure the person wont get mad which would leave to a divsion in the umah. If it is going to cause a probelm then just make duaa to Allah, make duaa that Allah blesses them. Be extra good to them.
1. Be alone with Allah in your can be in the mosque surroned with people but you are really remembering Allah in your heart
2. Make duaa to Allah, His beautiful names, His blessings upon you
3. Make your intention for the sake of Allah
4. I will no do this sin again: shytan comes to trick you and make you think you will fail and that your tawbah is useless. Tawbah is not simple. It requires work and effort

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