Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dr.Islam Elfahmyoui Notes, Tawbah

Todays topic was Tawbah:
Dr. Islam Elfahymoui said:
If you want to invest in the best realestate, invest in 50 thousand years under the shade of Allah (haha love this !). You already know who the 7 type of people that will be under His shade, and you  know it requires tawabah.
You need tawbah
Tawabah is retunring to Allah
As long as you are on the path towards the truth, you will be safe inshAllah. Stop condeming people, and dont judge.
The conditions of tawbah:
1. Knowledge of what you have done wrong
2. Acknolwedge the sin
an acknowledgement comes fear of the consquences wheather its punishment in this world or the hereafter. Fear of not giving Allah the true honor He deserves.
And Allah invites to the Home of Peace 10:25
Allah will not take away any blessings he has given you if you have shukr.
We already spoke about shukr.  ( see notes on shukr lecture)
"And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: "If you give thanks (by accepting Faith and worshipping none but Allah), I will give you more (of My Blessings), but if you are thankless (i.e. disbelievers), verily! My Punishment is indeed severe." 14:7
And if you would count the graces of Allah, never could you be able to count them. Truly! Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 16:18
Allah is challenging us to count the blessing He has give you.
Can you tell me how many blessings you have?
Envy is a lack of shukr, and contment with what Allah has give you.
We get cancer, we die, we make duaa and then the cancer doesnt go away and we think Allah has not answered our duaa, but what if I told you that the cancer you have is threason you are going to Jannah
Many people are not patient with tribulations which can be the reason you go to Jannah
Jannah is a gift from Allah
Who does Allah not love?
I have taken all these ayas in the Quran about those whom Allah does not love
1.  "surely Allah does not love any one who is unfaithful, ungrateful" 22:38
The one who does not have shukr is as we described in our past lectures
2.  "then surely Allah does not love the unbelievers" 3:32
4. " Surely Allah does not love whoever has been conceited (and) constantly boastful" 4:36
When you brag about the stuff you have its like you are saying "I am the one who brought myself this. Allah is the One Who Gives, not you.
Contemplation is differnt from prayer. Conemtopmaltion leads  you to fixing your actions.
Example:When you cheat and you get an A you think you won.
In Islam, you cheat, you get the A, but thats an illusion and you will never know , but guess what  something bad will happen because of that path you took of chetaing
When you do good things and you think you lost (in the dunya) have eman and you will realize you have not lost with Allah. Example: Charity: you have $50 and you give $10 now you only have $40 this looks like a lost, but guess what Allah will give you soooooo much more like 700 times more (refer to Surat Al Baqarah aya about charity)
Thats how the beleiver functions in this world

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