Monday, April 29, 2013

Means Towards Achieving Barkaa Blessings In Your Time: Lessons From The Prophet: Sheikh Mohammed Moussa

Last Wednesday during the weekly seerah college students serah course with Sheikh Moussa I requested him to speak about how the Prophet had so much time to do so many things, here is what Sheikh Moussa taught us:

The prophet took the means towards gaining baraka.. he died when he was 63 years old, but he was only a prophet for 23 years...look how much he did in those years!!  He took the people from being nothing, to becoming one of the most civilzed nations in the world.

Means Towards Achieving Barkaa in your time:

1. Maintian your realtionsip with Allah
A.Fard obligations, salat, siyam , etc
B. Sunan, voluntary deed

After you do this (fard and sunan) =
….and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing Nawafil (voluntary deeds) until I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips, and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks My Protection, I will protect him..."

The qiyam prayer brings you closer to Allah

2. Organize your priorities
Start with the most improtnat deeds: the obligaory and thehn Allah will place baraka in your time...for an example dont let your salat come after appointments, classes, etc, choose your appointments, job breaks, etc based on the salat times.

3. Always be busy:
Aya (cant find it)

Hadith about 5 before 5

4. No obstacles: dont give up, no excuses

Most improtant thing in Isla is tabwah but you have to acknowldge your sin

5. Surrond yourself around people who are not lazy

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