Tuesday, June 18, 2013

الإستعانة بالله - مصطفى حسني :Help of Allah Mustfah Hosny

على طريق الله - الحلقة 12 - الإستعانة بالله - مصطفى حسني 
Everytime we meet on this show, we want to learn something because knowledge is light which will bring us light.
Any road you take, you need someone to be there to motivate you.
When you become weak you need someone to cry to,but today we want to talk not about a person, but rather Allah. In this talk we will talk about the "help of Allah" الإستعانة بالله
The insan (person) is weak except when they have help from Allah
"Oh people, you are the poor to Allah, and Allah is the Rich"
Poor means those who need Allah
The scholars said that the insan is always poor and in need and Allah is always Rich and Provides
I found in the Quran, that the very beginning of the Quran Allah began with "help"الإستعانة
And he also ended with "help" الإستعانة
The beginning and end are about "need"الإستعانة and lots of ayahs and stories in the Quran are about the need of Allah, and asking Allah for help, and stories which show us that we need Allahs help.
Allah started with "Al Faitha"
It is You we worship and You we ask for help.
Allah used the term You because He is telling us that we dont need anyone
for help except from Allah
Then Allah ends with the three surahs which also have the concept of needing Allahs help
Surat Al Ikhlas:


Allah is He on Whom all depend.
(I dont know how to write what he mentioned about this aya)
Surat Al Falaq:
Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of dawn 
When you say "awud" it means you are seeking Allahs help.
Surat An Nas
Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind,
Allah is Rab Al Nas, the One Who owns thier decree life
The God of mankind
The God of the people, who go to Him during times of need and when they need help.
The Quran began with الإستعانة and it ended with الإستعانة  
Allah taught us that if you seek help, seek help from Allah
Allah tells you to seek help from Him because He knows we need the help
In Surat Al Waqiah, Allah shows us the scene of the person who is dying and that those around the dying person cannot do anything to stop the soul from dying,
Then why, when the soul at death reaches the throat
And you are at that time looking on -
And Our angels are nearer to him than you, but you do not see -
Then why do you not, if you are not to be recompensed,
Bring it back, if you should be truthful?
These ayahs means that no one has control over their life except Allah. No one can bring back the dead soul.
No one can cure themselves even if all of the doctors of the world tried to cure you, only Allah can cure.
None of us can be successful except from Allah "And my success in my task can only come from Allah" Quran
None of us can think except if Allah allows us to think
None of us can forgot our worries except if Allah allows us to forget
Sometimes the insan forgets that Allah is the One who allows everything to happen. Example: my daughter who is 5 wants to drive my car, I will make her pretend she is driving, but really I am the one in control. And to Allah is the ultimate example. The person sometimes thinks they are the one who is in control
Allah always wants to help you, He asks who in the middle of the night will pray to Me so I can give them what they need.
And when Allah talks about Himself to you, he explains to you who He takes care of you: Ayatul Qursi Allah is telling us that we have No One but Him, and that His doors never close, I am always near you if you need me. In this ayah Allah describes Himself as "Al Qiyum". Do you know what Qiyum means? He is there waiting to help you, anything that you need help with Allah knows, and the help is there but you must make duaa to Allah, "Ya Rab". Allah also describes Himself as the "Al Haaa" The One Who is always Alive, because He is always there for you. And that He doesnt leave any parts of the earth, He Owns "Alsamawt wa al ard" the Heavens and the Earths. Allah knows everything. Allah tells us about Himself so when you need his help, you know He is there to help.
Sometimes Allah does not give what you want because He knows more then you and he only gives you what is best for you.
We should relay upon Allahs help all the time, during hardships and times of ease.
That is why the righteous were always making duaa and always asking for Allahs help.
The first example of الإستعانة بالله  is in the story of Prophet Adam when he sinned and he made duaa to Allah. So the very first example of الإستعانة بالله  is help for the self, for one who has made sin. So that everyone who feels weak because of their sin, they can say that I seek help from Allah.
Prophet Nuh seeked help from Allah from the people who were wronging him.
And  mention  Noah, when he called [to Allah ] before [that time], so We responded to him and saved him and his family from the great flood.
Prophet Ibrahim seeked help from Allah for himself because he was the only one who believed in Allah. His own people were throwing him in the fire, and his son kicked him out of his house. He made duaa to Allah.
When you are lonely, there is a Rahaman who is with You.
Prophet Ayoub who seeked help from Allah about  his sickness:
And  mention  Ayoub  when he called to his Lord, "Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful."
So We responded to him and removed what afflicted him of adversity. And We gave him [back] his family and the like thereof with them as mercy from Us and a reminder for the worshippers  of Allah .
The scholars came up with the following 4 points one should know so they can heart fully seek help from Allah :
1. You must know who you are seeking help from,
Allah the One Who is Qadr on everything.
2. You must take alasba (means efforts) and do your part
The scholars taught us that the body does its part, and the heart is in tawkul
3. Think highly of Allah and dont think He is going to forget you
4. You seeked help from Allah, and you did your part,
leave the rest on Allah, the results.
Everything Allah has brought me is of good
Allah protects you from the things you want because it might not be good to you.
I want Allah to show me the Prophet in my dreams,
be patient inshAllah.
I want Allah to provide me with lots of money, why is that my friend who does haram Allah has given him lots of money...
be patient, maybe Allah gives this person but Allah "Ya Rabik" (like raising).
Whenever you ask someone to help you, dont forget who the real source is: Allah
We are asbab (means) to one another
When was the last time you made duaa to Allah with a full heart that you really needed Allah. If its been a while since you have made duaa to Allah, then we have forgotten that everything from your health to your wealth is in Allahs control.
When the person seeks Allahs help and they know Allah has helped them, this is a beautiful feeling that you are not alone.
Three minutes of  the show a convert speaking in english answers the question: when did I feel that I needed Allahs help (she cries)
You know when the young people study very hard and they make so much duaa during finals and Allah makes them successful even if they dont normally pray or make duaa this is beautiful  but then when they finish and they are successful they attend prom to celebrate this successful, or when someone keeps making duaa to get married but then the wedding is all haram after all the duaa that person made.
Allah mentions these type of the people in the Quran the ones who when Allah provides them they say they will make charity and be of the righteous, but after Allah provides for them they become cheap and they turn away from Allah.
This is not the type of person our episode is about but rather about the one who seeks help from Allah all the time. This person starts their day with leaving thier house reciting the duaa that seeks Allahs help, and before this person sleeps the duaa that prophet recited this person recites.
This person seeks Allah in three :
1. Righteousness: you are not going to be able to make sujud or duaa except with the permission of Allah. This is why the Prophet used to begin his khutbahs with a duaa in which He said we Seek Allahs help.
2. Rizik gifts, wealth, etc: an idea, a dollar or anything will not come to you except through Allah.
3. Times of hardships: if the prophet ever had a hardship he would go make salat

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