Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tafsir Surat Yasin,Part 3, Ayat 37 to 40. Part 3: Sign 2 of 3 Sunset, Moon, Orbit

See previous posts for more notes  
Surat Yasin Tafsir Part 3 Ayat 31 to 40
 Mishary Recitation of these ayahs (nice to listen to while reading the tafsir)
This is the second of the 3 "ayat, signs" mentioned in Surat Yasin.

The following ayahs are some of my favorites in this class because I always watch the sunset and I was just thinking about how quickly it goes down and how it goes from a huge bulk of sun into a nothing subhanAllah!! Watch how amazing these descriptions are of the ayahs describing how the sun "peels"!
 I am also posting a bunch of sunset pictures I took this month alone subhanAllah.





And a sign for them is the night. We remove from it [the light of] day, so they are [left] in darkness.



And the sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.
And the moon - We have determined for it phases, until it returns  appearing like the old date 
It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming.
In aya 37 Allah uses the term "Naslikh" which literally means to peel. Look at this word and think of the process of the sunset, it literally looks like it is peeling when it is becoming dark.  The layers of sunlight are literally peeled as the sun goes down. You literally see the gradients of the sun go down, the light doesn't just leave.
Aya 38: Who other then Allah, the Almighty, the All Knowing can control the motion of the sun .
Aya 39: Allah uses the term "manzal" every night there is a manzal for the moon. The term "Eid" is also mentioned in this ayah which means return, the moon returns. Until the moon comes back it is like the dates that are ready and removed from the tree.
Aya 40: Allah uses the term "falq" which literally means orbit.
One of the primary messages within these ayas is the Power of Allah. Look at these magnificent objects, the moon, sun. Time comes from their movements. This shows us how precise Allah controls these objects (subhanAllah!). Allah is telling us He is in control of everything even the sun and the moon, do you doubt that He can bring the dead to life?
These ayahs show us the perfection of how Allah describes the day and the night. We as Muslims should not be neglectful and immune of the sun and moon. Allah tells us that the moon and the sun and the orbit are "ayat" to remind us of Him.  Studying science should remind us of Allah, and increase our eman.
Also there is a hadith  that the Prophet said when the sun sets it goes to the Throne of Allah to make sujud and gets permission to return for sunrise except on the Day of Judgment.
In the Quran Allah tells us that everything in the Heavens and the Earth including the sun "yasubhun" worship Allah.


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