Friday, June 14, 2013

MSA Family, We Are Like Ahul Al Khaf,

And keep yourself patient  with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is ever in neglect.

When you read that ayah in Surat Al Khaf, who comes to your mind for the first part, and who comes to your mind for the second part.
If you think about it the MSA can be comparable to that of the youth of Surat Al Khaf.
We are surrounded around so much fitnah in the college life, but we take refuge in our MSA.

 AlhumdAllah this semester I was blessed to be surrounded around amazing Muslims in my MSA. I actually choose my graduate college because of the awesome MSA they have. You know your MSA is beautiful when you feel like you are a huge family and you love one another for the sake of Allah.
Two days ago one of our MSA eboard memebers was sick  and in the hospital, and he needed our duaa. The responses were instant and I had a full inbox with over 20 messages from different members within 2 hours. AlhumdAllah he got better but he is still sick (a virus got to his heart ).
 The next day, someone came up with the idea of completing the Quran for him toghther. I wanted to cry when I noticed how quickly everyone was responding, in a matter of 4 hours the whole list was filled and all the Juzs were taken mashAllah. It made me smile so much to see how much we care about one another.
I realized its really improtant to have a good MSA in your college years. Before my current college, I was in a college where the MSA was not doing much and the Muslims were not very connected to one another. It was discouraging and I spent most of my time with my Co Workers  at Campus Life and although I got to teach them alotttttt about Islam from why I cant shake his hand, to  them appreciating me breaking for prayer, , I was really missing out on that Muslim community. It was an ugly feeling.  During my first year of community college, I did have a  MSA but it was still not the same time.
I cannot thank Allah enough for the blessing of having an "MSA Family", and our chaplain who is like a grandfather for all of us! MashAllah
I keep thinking of the undergraduate graduation ceremony and how most of the MSA members I only meet for one semester were graduting. After the ceremony we took a bunch of group pictures with our Shiekh chaplain and everyone was introducing each other to their parents it was seriously like were a family, as if I have known these people all my life.....
The MSA family is what love for the sake of Allah feels like, pure and beautiful.

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