Sunday, June 23, 2013

على طريق الله - الحلقة 13 - النجاة - مصطفى حسني

Mustfah Hosny is always on point when I need to hear a lecture

على طريق الله - الحلقة 13 - النجاة - مصطفى حسني
Theres a lot in this lecture here are my favorite parts:
When we are on طريق الله the road of Allah, problems occur and Allah provided us with the knowledge on how to deal with these problems
We have a saying that the kareem (generous person) will never be in regret. This means that the person who has the kareem (generous) manners, Allah will not let that person be lost in the dunya.
When the Prophet came back after he received the first revelation from Angel Jibrel, Khadjah told him Allah will never wrong you because you help people, you are kareem , and you help the one who is in need.
People with good manners, Allah will never leave them. The Prophet taught us the manners of dealing with problems.
(This part sounds so much more beautiful in Arabic!)
The scholars said there are two levels of the obedient Muslims,
 both are of ahul Jannah and the salheen:
There is "Ashaab Al Yamyn "People of the Right" and "Alsabokun" Those Who Race to Good"
There are those who  who worship Allah seeking ajr (good deeds) and Jannah and then there are those who worship Allah seeking His ridaa (like accepting) and to Please Him . Both of these people are salheen good people, none of them are bad. One is "Ashaab Al Yamyn" Those of the Right and the other is "Alsabkeen" Those Running to Good Deeds. One is worshipping Allah as a trade, so Allah can make their matters better, so Allah can give them hassant, to go to Jannnah, these are the "Ashaab Al Yamyn", but there are other people that worship Allah and do the good but they forget about the concept of good deeds, Jannah, all these people want is for Allah to be pleased with them. For an example, if someone on the street wants money, this person will give them money and think I hope Allah will be pleased with me donating money, I hope Allah will be pleased with me. You give this money for the sake of Allah, to please Him  , not for Jannah or good deeds. If you are not up to this level, don't feel bad you are still of the salaheen (good people).
Look how Allah mentions these people in Surat Al Waqiah
 "Ashaab Al Yamyn" and "Alsabkeen"Notice the people of "sabkoun" are of less
And the forerunners, the forerunners -
Those are the ones brought near  to Allah
In the Gardens of Pleasure
A  large company of the former peoples
And a few of the later peoples
For the companions of the right 
A company of the former peoples
And a company of the later peoples.

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