Saturday, June 8, 2013

Moez Masud, Jannah Makes Hardships Worth It, Angels Say Salaam To You Oh Patient People: Enter Paradise!

Sunset views from home! SubhanAllah...imagine Jannah !

After Salat Al Isha we prayed two extra salat, and during the prayer the Sheikh recited  Surat Ya Seen. During the recitation, there was a mention of ayas about  " Enter Jannah". I though of the beloved in my life who have gone through hardships and how in the end their reward is Jannah inshAllah. I thought of how this dunya is just a means towards achieving Jannah.
Then I came across this lecture which is exctally what I needed to hear, here is the meaning of some of this lecture
Moez Masud: The Journey of Yaqyn (Certainty): Why Did Allah Create us?
رحلة اليقين.. الحلقة الرابعة.. لماذا خُلقنا؟ 
"Can you imagine on the Day of Judgement we are going to understand the wisdom for everything that happened in our lives. Why was I sick in this test? Why did my parents die? Why did this happen? Why did I get this sickness?
When we enter "Dar Al Haq" The House of Truth, it wont matter if we were sick, my body will be with me healthy , everything will be good with the Adl, The Most Just.
The test of this world is not just a means of passing or failing.. when someone is successful  and they pass they are raised to a higher level, they will enter Jannah. The angels will say to them (people of Paradise) "Salaam Alakum Taybtum " Peace Be Upon You"  You were taybeen (good)
"So enter Paradise forver".
(I cant find the same ayah he spoke about but here is a similar one from Surat Al Rad 13:24 to 25)
Gardens of perpetual residence; they will enter them with whoever were righteous among their fathers, their spouses and their descendants. And the angels will enter upon them from every gate,  saying,

"Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured. 
And excellent is the final home."
More ayahs on angels saying salaam!:

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