Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hijab Preserves & Magnifies Beauty, Beautiful Lessons From Non Muslims

Sometimes we have to be reminded of our beautiful religion from non Muslims. This past week I was reminded of my beautiful hijab and my precious prayers from three different non Muslims.

The first conversation was with fellow students on was how amazing it is for hijabis to preserve their beauty for one man.

The second conversation was with my former student about how much he loved the Muslims preservance of the salat.
The other day I attended a professional conference in New York with two non Muslims. As we were walking we were talking about how diverse our colleges student body is and the advantages of this diversity. Of course like any conversation I have with a non Muslim they asked me about my hijab. The girls found it beautiful that only my husband would see my "beauty". I dont recall the exact words these girls but I think it was the word preserve... how Muslim women preserve their beauty only for one man and how lucky that man is, and how his reaction when he sees his bride on his wedding! If you think about it, hijabis do look amazing on their wedding because you know what there is something special about the hijab. We use it to presevre our beauty, but I think it only magnifies our beauty once we remove it! Anything you do for the sake of Allah is  beautifued.
AlhumdAllah for hijab a blessing for sisters and brothers alike.
Doyou think Allah will not magnfiy the beauty of the girl who has covered? 
 He is a former student of mines (when I was 17!) and current security guard on the campus I work at.  I told him I was walking to the Mosque to make my prayer. Then he spoke to me about he considered becoming Muslim but his wife was resentful of the idea. He said the thing he loves about Muslims is our prayer and how we will stop everything just to connect to God ( these are not his exact words, but they were somewhere along these lines). He said he remembers  as a child when he was in his country which was filled with Muslims, his friends would all stop the soccer game to make their prayers. He called us peaceful and connected to God. I tried to give him some indirect dawah and handed him Yasmine Moghaeds book Reclaiming  Your Heart. AlhumdAllah he is actually reading it! He even asked me to pray for him, and then he asked me again if I prayed for him!!

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