Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Status of the Mosque: Remeber Who Owns This House: Allah

Today it was hot and boring at home, so I told my dad lets go to the Masjid.
Everytime I go to the Mosque I always get that "nafs al mutmana" peaceful soul feeling. Even if its for one rakah or one tear drop its more worthy then this whole dunya. Im sure you have felt an nafs al mutmana during your visit to Allah House.
As soon as my favorite sheikh begins reciting the
 Quran in the Mosque I forget about all of the worries I had.
When I go to the mosque I know where I am:
 I am in the best place a person can go to in this dunya.
When I am going to the Mosque I am going to Allahs House in the dunya,  I think this is the closest one can get to Jannah. 
People forget the status of the mosque and this is why they dont feel like it is their duty to keep the Mosque clean, to help out in Ramadan or during dinners.
Once your heart becomes attached to the masjid you wont want to go anywhere else for fun. The mosque will become your main destination where you can listen to lectures, pray in jamaa,meet people for the sake of Allah, get good deeds, and be reminded of Allah which leads to "tamatan al qulb" the rest of the heart as described in Surat Al Hadid
Whenever you hear kids or even adults complain about the "mosque" and oh "its people" remind them of the status of the Mosque, remind them of Who Owns this House.
Remind them that the Masjid is Allahs House and how much honor it deserves.
When you see anything on the floor, or you find that the bathroom is not so clean, dont simply complain about how the Mosque is unclean, but rather take it upon yourself to clean it because guess what this is Allahs House and if you dont take care of it dont expect the person after you to take care of it. Imagine on the Day of Judgement how much reward you can get for voluntarily mainitinag the House of Allah!
Today at the end of the lecture after salat al isha I thought of the amazing feeling I get everytime I go to the Mosque and how the lectures are always so relevenat to my life. I thought of being of the 7 who will be shaded under Allahs shade in the Day of Judgement and how one of these people is the
"The one whos heart is attached to the Masjid"
And then right after I thought of that the sheikh ended the night with a duaa in which he said "Oh Allah make us of those who are shaded because their heart is attached to the Mosque"! Ameen!

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