Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Moez Masud, AlYaqyn: Certainty

"Alyaqyn naaimah: Certainty in Allah is a blessing, a huge blessing" Moez Masud
There is a reason why I have the quote I have as my profile quote...I t feel like sometimes when I am not doing so well Allah sends me signs or messages or I come across a lecture I need to hear.
Today I was searching for songs on the revolution after I started reading

Wael Ghonim:
Revolution 2.0: The Power of the People Is Greater Than the People in Power: A Memoir

Here is the link to the book:
I  recommend this book to anyone who is interested in understanding the inside story on how the Egyptian revolution began (even if you are not Egyptian!)
While I was listing to Moez revolution songs I came across "Moez Masuds" lectures.
He is like my 2nd favorite speaker after Mustfah Hosny since their styles are very similar.
Although there is alot one can learn and pick up from his lectures this part reallly hit my heart
(sorry couldnt write the whole lecture!)
He said:
"Alyaqyn naaimah"
Certainty in Allah is a blessing, a huge blessing
(if you want to understand the concept of certainty in depth check out my notes from Dr.Islam Elfahymouis lecture)http://hudawritess.blogspot.com/2012/04/yaqyan.html
"Alyaqyn tamutynan"
Certainty is rest
"Alyaqayn raht baayl"
Certainty makes a person relaxed

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