Sunday, April 1, 2012

I Need Yaqyn-Certainity ; Notes From Lectures

Dr. Esalm AlFahymouis ICPC Sunday Lectures:

There are 2 main sickness or disease of the heart
1. "Doubt in Allah-no certinaity-yaqyn"
2. "The love of this world"

He termed envy,jealous, and etc as symptoms of the these two main sickness.

Example: You will have envy if you dont have certainty in Allah. The one who envy's doubts Allah's wisdom.

One way to fix this problem of doubt is by learning Allahs names by truly applying them in your life and every situation you overcome.

What is yaqn-certainty?

We have to believe that Allahs knowledge is very vast and beyond our level. He knows that which we dont know. You want dunya, but Allah wants for you the Jannah. The belief of qada and qadr, is that you believe that Allah has knowledge over everything. That Allah has already wrote down everything in the book called, 'Protected tablet". Allah says, "There is no trial that has happen except that it was already written in a book". You have to accept that something was going to happen and you couldn't change it. Also that Allahs will is all encompassing of everything. Nothing can happen except by Allahs will.

Fruits of Certainty (today's topic):

You cant have these charcterstics without certainty- yaqyn

1. The one with yaqyn gets the gift of sabr-patience
2. Tawkal: trust in Allah, if you have yaqyn this tawkal will come automatically
3. Shukr -Gratefulness
4. Khusho

Khusho in prayer-

The shyatn says he will come to us during our prayers from the front,back,left and right. But why not top and front?
The top is a column light which connects you to Allah, because salat comes from the word sila which means connection. The bottom is your sujdu

In surat Al-Mumimn The first charctesrtic is khusho in  ayas 1-2 , "Certainly will the believers have succeeded:They who are during their prayer humbly submissive with khusho"

The last charcterstic, is also khusho aya 9 " And they who carefully maintain their prayers with khusho"

How can we achieve khusho?

Haytham a scholar said,
1. I get up to pray after making perfect wudu
2. I make the takbeer
3. I imagine the kaba in front of me
4. I imagine paradise on my right, and the sirat under my feet
5. I imagine the angel of death waiting by my side to take my soul as soon as I end
6. I imagine the prohet watching me pray
7. I fill my heart with fear from Allah and I ask Him for what I want
8. I say salaam, but I dont know if Allah has accepted my prayer.

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