Friday, April 27, 2012

Its All About Character

Its not what you say or how much you know, its how you make the person feel.
Today I attended a lecture about the love for the Prophet by the awesome sheikh Wisam Sharif .
I will never forget his amazing Quran recitation in the Ilm Fest 2010.
"Wisam Sharieff taking people on a very intimate journey to the hereafter
 with his powerful recitations of surah Taha"
So what did Wisam say?
Correcting people was not a chacterstic of the Prophet, it was about how he made the people feel.
He had a personal realtionship with everyone .The Prophet acted with good character.
Touching, cute, beautiful stories that show theProphets personal relationship
with differnt groups of people.
Story One -Hassan and Husayn- The Prophets Grandkids
The kids went out when they weren't supposed so the Prophet asked where are they? And then he went outside and he found them holding each other in a corner scared of a snake that was in their way. The Prophet spoke to the snake and it moved out of the way. Then he took them both and carried them kindly home. He did not yell or mistreat them, but he treated them with kindness.
Story Two-The Necklace
The Prophet was sitting amongst his wives, and he showed them a beautiful necklace. He said I will give it to the one who is most beloved to me. He paused for a moment and then he said teasingly I will give it to my granddaughter.

Story Three-Drunk Guy Prays
There was a man who had a drinking problem and he told the Prophet he wants to go to the masjid. The man would go to the masjid and leave his alchol bottle outside the door, he would pray in state of being drunk. The Prophet allowed this and he never scolded the guy. Slowly the guy moved away from his problem, and finally the Prophet noticed he was improving in his prayer. The Prophet asked him what happen? The man said I broke all of the bottles.
Notice the Prophet never told the man dont enter the masjid, or stop, he indirectly helped him by acting kindly. It was about how he made him feel.
My comments:
The key is not in your words, but it is your actions and the way you make people feel.
If you yell at the kid who runs around the masjid during prayer the kid will never like you or even listen to you (Grandsons story)
Everyone jokes, even the Prophet ( Necklace story)
If you scare people away by telling them this is haram and that, they will never feel welcomed to your masjid. If you scold them for the way they dress they will think of how you made them feel not what you said. If you yell at the girls talking in the masjid during salat, you will only gain hate not love. (Drunk man story)

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