Sunday, April 22, 2012

Im Busy: Really?

How many times have you used this excuse: "Im busy" how many times were you really busy? I know ive done this before..I was thinking about this concept of  being busy after reading this,

I've learned that "being busy" is just another way to say you'd rather not.
If someone wants you in their life, they will find time. Always.

There is no one busy in this world, it's always about priorities.
 You will always find time for the things you feel important.

I tried to connect the second quote to the life of the Prophet, and you will find the Prophet lived in this state of mind. He was never to busy to serve Allah, his followers,companions, nor his family memebers, he was always there for them. He was able to have a balance in making time for all of them. How many times do we ignore the needs of our family & friends because we think we are to busy? How many times do we find ourselves to busy to make salat?

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