Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Aqim Salatak! Get Up To Pray

Recite that which has been revealed to you of the Book and keep up prayer; surely prayer keeps (one) away from indecency and evil, and certainly the remembrance of Allah is the greatest, and Allah knows what you do. - Surat Al-Ankabut 45
"Get up for your prayers" 

I never realized what this aya meant until I heard this in a lecture, Eslam Elfahymoui said,
"If you are doing bad things and you feel the prayer has not stopped you from committing this sin than this is a problem. It means you are not performing the prayer properly because Allah guarantees in the aya (above) that if you pray you will stay away from what is forbidden"

 As I related the lecture to my friend, she said this is probably why we feel like we sin more when we cant pray (girls cannot pray when they have thier time of the month). I dont know if every girl gets that feeling of "low eman" when she is on the prayer vacation, but I know I feel differnt when I dont pray. I feel like sinning is easier, and more common. The prayer truly helps you stay away from that which is forbidden. Another thing he said is that"There is no doubt you will die in between two prayers". When I heard this I thought, imagine I die when I cant pray?Imagine my last prayer was like five days ago, and I didn't pray it the best I can? This is just a great way to appreciate the prayer subhnallah, humdallah for this "vacation". It made me realize how much salat has done to keep me in check..
Aqim Salatik, Motvitional Video, this never gets old <3

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