Monday, April 9, 2012

Unbalanced -Hope & Fear

"The head of a bird is like the love for Allah, the left wing is the hope in Allah and the right wing is the fear in Allah,they have to be balanced in order for the bird to properly fly"

We need a balance between fear and hope ; two very strong but parell feelings that are complimentary. I never realized how important it was to have a balance between these two feelings until yesterday.  Yesterdays lecture (check last post) I attend had a focus on attaining khushoo and about how much of your salat will be accepted. I kept reflecting on it because after the lecture I felt a sense of fear (which is good) but I felt a lost of hope.Subhnallah now I understand why we have to have a balance between these two very strong feelings.

I realized the lecture gave me enough fear to try to better my salat, but it didnt give me enough hope.
Those depressing,low emanic, "shytanic" thoughts of oh this is hard, and oh my salat is probably not being accepted have been in my head ever since I left the lecture.I know we gota go through these feelings of up and downs in our eman, but at the same time I know we have to try to bring it back up. I am really hoping his next lecture will include some aspect of hope.

 Before an school exam, you study in hope of passing and in fear of failing. You study hard because you want to pass, but you still fear that you might fail. I think the quote above realtes to this idea..

I dont know what to say because I need advice this time from you the readers...but while writing this post i came across this sami yusuf "Make me stronger" song for the first time
kind of describes my current feelings
"Help me find my way. My Lord show me right from wrong, give me light make me strong, i know the road is long, make me strong...Sometimes it gets to much i feel that ive lost touch i know the road is long make me strong..."

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