Saturday, April 7, 2012

Prince Charming Prophet Muhammed;He was the Man

"As fitnah becomes more common finding your spouse becomes harder"

Where are all the good guys at? Thats was the conversation of me and my friend today. This is the conversation lots of Muslim girls have, and also same for the guys. As she had to meet a potential suitor, she tells me something that grabs my attention. She asked him the golden question (I look at it as a golden question!) of "Do you pray", his reply? No and he laughs it off...
It seems like we cant even find suitors with the minimum: Prays 5 times a day, all day,everyday..

I am re-typing my post , Prince Charming Prophet Muhammed;He was the Man
Nov 2011

When I think of prince charming i think of a special man..his name is Prophet Muhmad he was the best of mankind. I like to think of him as the real prince charming. He got a sunnah men these days really need to follow, and women need to follow his princess Khadjah. He was always pleasing Allah, he never did wrong. He even did the dishes! Yup thats my kind of man.. I understand a regular man cannot achieve the state of this amazing man, but it would be nice if you men tried.

He was not rich in mal (wealth) but rich in religion, this is what made him the man.
My type of man is the one who follows the best of mankind:Prophet Muhmad. The man who knows how to be a true romantic by taking the raslous advice. The man who loves his wife, tells her shes pretty, and appreciates everything she does, wakes her up for fajr, and loves her the way Prophet Muhmmad loved Khadjah. The man whos not afriad to give zakat to the poor and he spends on his wife, the man who prays all his prayers on time even if it means leaving the mall early, the man who truly follows the best of mankind. Man I can go on and on with a descirption of my kind of man, but let me make this easy for you, my kind of man is Prophet Muhmmad, he was the best of mankind.

We read Romeo & Juielt (well not me) but I wonder why we never take some time to look into the best romance story of all time: Prophet Muhmmad and Khadjah, he loved her even after she died. Why dont we take ideas from our very own model for romance. Why dont we take our Prophets advice that he has left on romance? Theres no shame, after all he is the one who taught us "The best of you are those who are best to their wives".

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