Sunday, April 15, 2012

Expect the Unexpected, Prepare Through Sabr -(Mix of E.Fahymoui Lecture)

Pink-My Ideas ;Black- Eslam Fahymoui notes

We all know that we dont know what our future beholds. We should always expect the unexpected, because only Allah knows.

Think of three words when the calimity appears: Yaqyn, Patience, Knowledge

Today's lecture was focused on Sabr: Patience

The secret to patience is knowledge (In Allah) Which will build on your yaqyn-certnaity.

What is sabr (patience)?
It is one of the most important charcterstics of Islam, and it is mentioned the most in the Quran-over 90 times.

Do you think you can enter Jannah before Allah tests you with sabr?

The purpose of life relies in the first two ayas of Surat AlMulk. "Who has created death and life, that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving"

Yolo all the way, because there is no doubt You Only Live Once, but you only live once in the dunya so you can get ready for your next life; the akhria. The equal opportunity of this life is not in wealth, or health, but its in your chance to prepare for the afterlife. Everyone has an equal chance to pass this test called, life so that they may get to the next.

Prepare your soul by remembering Allah all day everyday, thank Him when the days are good, and bad as well, because in the end only He has control.Dont forget Him in times of wellness and health, when life's going well and expect the unexpected because you never know.

Get ready for that calamity, so when it strikes you can get through it. Only patience and yaqyn (certainty in Allah) will help you out of the sorrow you wil go through. Sometimes these tests
are only meant to bring you closer to Allah. So when you feeel alone, remind yourself you are not alone. Allah is waiting for you, He put you away from the people so you can come to Him.

" Calamity is a test of your sincerity and faith. Stress and worries are found in doubt and peace of mind is found in certainty. Peace and happiness is not in the absence of trials and tribulations its the finding of faith in Allah in your trials and tribulations" -Abdulbarry Yayha.

When I read these quotes, all I can think is  this is like a summary of "Eslam Fahymouis lecture, and what he has been teaching us this a whole time.

Someone you know will die during your lifetime, Allah says be patient.
You got two choices once the calamity strikes, you can suffer and become depressed or have Patience" and hope and know that Allah feels this is what is best. There is a hidden blessing in the trials you face. If you internalize this idea that you experience some sadness for your own benefit, you will never face anxiety and depression."

Subhanallah right after this lecture, I was told about two calamities. First they made an annocment that one of the guys father had died two hours ago, all I can think is this guy is blessed. He just came out of a lecture which was totally focused on how to deal with calmities.

Prepare yourself by strengthen your yaqyn-certainty in Allah, which comes from patience
(see other posts about yaqyn to learn more).

Sabr cures both of the main diases of the heart- doubt and desire and love fo this dunya. Yaqyn and sabre can fix your dunya problems.

 How do you achieve this beautiful gift of patience? The secret of patience is knowledge

Knowledge of Allah,  will increase your patience, which will increase your yaqyn, which will increase everything else in between (khusho,tawkal, shukr). 
I would like to think of this life as some type of math problem, theres always a solution, all you need is the proper formula to pass. It may be hard sometimes, but you gota keep on practicing until you get it right.

Along with the annoucment of the guys dads death, as I am driving home my friend texts me saying that our former high school teacher (Muslim mother of two) was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a disease which can effect your speech, vision, and muslce movement. All I can think is I want to get the message of todays lecture to her. And then I text my other classmate, and she says the other day our teacher was crying because she couldnt see. I remembered a saying I learned today:

 Allah says , " If i try my servent with blindness and you are patient I will replace it with Jannah". Subhanlllahhh

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