Tuesday, March 19, 2013

NASPA Region 2 Conference

 as I mentioned in an earlier post, I will be presenting in the upcoming NASPA ReGion 2 NYC Conference.


Program Title:
 Representing a Diverse Student Body: The Need for Diverse Professionals
Program Abstract:

Colleges and Universities such as Rutgers University, New Jersey City University, City University of New York, and many other colleges in the metropolitan area present themselves as the most diverse colleges in the nation, but the question I pose is: Is the diversity of the student population reflected and represented in the staff and faculty members (specifically administration) of these institutions? As our student population becomes more diverse than ever, I believe the administration also needs to reflect this diversity.
 Upon graduating from New Jersey City University, which is considered a highly diverse school I realized the importance of diversity, and what diversity is all about. Colleges do not use the term or description “Diverse Environment” simply for marketing reasons, but rather they are encouraging students to acknowledge and realize how the real world is: a place filled with people of different ideas, values, cultural and religious backgrounds which require respect towards one another. Diversity is not just a matter of having a bunch of people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds in the same place at the same time, but rather it is when you can get those people to respectfully exchange ideas and get along with one another. Diversity helps us build bridges and promotes the feeling of community. Although it is great when colleges tell you about their diverse student population, I think it is time for colleges to also acknowledge and create a diverse staff also.

While I was a Student Ambassador at a diversified community college I realized the importance of having an administration of different cultural and religious backgrounds. The diverse staff can better serve the diverse student population and their needs. I believe this lack of diversity in the field of higher education presents a challenge to students who are looking for role models they can relate to, seek advice from , or seek help to overcome different challenges they face as an underrepresented group. Among my goals is to serve as a role model for first generation students in the United States who seem to be underrepresented in the field of Higher Education Administration. We need to diversify the professional ranks of higher education.

Goals of Presentation & Learning Outcomes:

The goals and learning outcomes of the presentation is to present the audience the growing need and importance of having a diverse administration in the Higher Education field

•To acknowledge the importance of having a diverse crew of staff members, and administrators at diverse colleges.
•To encourage Higher Education Administrators to learn how to serve students of diverse backgrounds, especially immigrant students and first generation students who have major challenges upon going to college.

Relationship of the program to the Conference Theme – Bridging Communities, Transforming Lives:

 The theme of the conference is Bridging Communities, Transforming Lives. Through this presentation there is an encouragement of diversifying the professional ranks of higher education administration. When colleges have academic, admissions, or financial aid counselors, or vice presidents, or professors of a diverse background, students may find it easier to relate to them and this can bridge our college communities. For an example, if you have a foreign exchange student from Germany, the student would love to have a counselor who speaks their language. Another example, if a college has a new freshmen first generation student, the student would want to speak to someone with a similar background. Another example, if an immigrant student is trying to enroll in ESL courses, and English is their second language, it would help if there was an admissions counselor who spoke their language. Through the diverse staff, you are transforming the lives of many students, not just some students. You are trying to serve all the students that are represented at your college.

NASPA Reviewer Comments:
  1. Relevance to Conference Theme
    • The proposal addresses the them of Building Communities by identifying the need for a diverse staff with whom varying identities can connect.
    • Good tie in to the conference theme. Interesting topic to examine.
  2. Proposal Content
    • I've never seen a program like this before. Usually, these programs look at students and not staff.
  3. Evidence of Solid Foundation for Proposal Content
    • The proposal does not demonstrate a grounding in theory or research, nor does it provide a cogent model or practice for achieving diversity.
    • I would include more research strengthen the argument. It seems like a lot of personal thoughts over research based evidence.
  4. Adherence to Proposal Submission Guidelines
    • While the proposal articulates a need for a diverse staff it does not demonstrate how this session will achieve more than a call for such a need.  
  5. Engaging Program Format
    • Indicates a lecture and a panel discussion.
    • I feel that this presentation will spark great dialouge on the topic of diverse staffing to help support diverse students.
  6. General Comments Regarding the Proposal
    • It is challenging to see how this will serve as a learning opportunity for participants with no particular stated outcomes other than an encouragement of a diverse staff.
    • Seems like a great presentation and could spark good debate and dialouge amongst atendees.

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