Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Story of InshAllah: Mean It When You Say InshAllah!!


One of the most important short and insightful lessons I have learned from Dr.Islam Elfahmoui is to never forget to say inshAllah! He gave an example (like last year) that I think of every time I forget to add inshAllah.
If you  send your friend a  text saying I will meet you tomorrow...and you forgot inshAllah, go back text them and write inshAllah (not isA) !!
If you are promising someone something, add the word inshAllah but dont say it carelessly (this is apart of the Arab culture) say it and mean it and have tawkul:trust in Allah that it will happen if Allah has written for it.
For an example, if someone tells you to make duaa for them,
say inshAllah, but dont forget to make  duaa for them!
I recently came across the beautiful story behind the word inshAllah. Some of you probably already have knowledge of this story, but this was my first time understanding it. I attached pictures of the pages including the story which is from the book, "In the Footsteps of the Prophet".
 This story makes you understand the beauty of the word inshAllah, and how important it is to use this word sincerely.
So next time you say inshAllah, mean it!!
My favorite part of this chapter:
"Never say anything, "I shall do that tomorrow" except: if God so wills", and remember your Lord (Rabb, Educator) when you forget and say "I hope that my Lord will guide me even closer than to the right course" Surat AlKhaf
This Revelation once again involved a reproach and a teaching: it reminded the Prophet that his status, his knowledge, and his fate depended on his Rabb, on the One and Sovereign God, and that he must never forget it. This is how one should understand the meaning of the phrase inshAllah: "if God so wills": it expresses the awareness of limits the feeling of humilty of one who acts while knowing that beyond what he or she can do or say, God alone has the power to make things happen. This is no means a fatalistic message: it implies not that one should not act, but , on the contrary, that one should never stop acting while always being aware in ones mind and heart of the real limits of human power"

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