Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dr.Islam Elfahymoui Notes: Tawaba Contunied

Dr.Islam ElFahymoui Notes
Todays lecture was a continuation of the topic tawaba
He said:
The first time you try to make a sin, Allah will place a roadblock
Try and count your can never count all of them
Sunnah of the companions: right before going to sleep they would think of all of their sins and ask Allah for forgivness
The Mercy of Allah:
do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."Surat Az Zumar 53
This aya tells us that Allah forgives any kind of sin (except shirk as mentioned in another aya) do not be of those who think Allah will not forgive you. Allah forgives all sins
Tawabah is a higher level then just saying astghfurAllah
Allah will go the extra mile for you if you make tawabah
People think oh I will make tawabh after I sin but the sin itself will make you forget about tawbah
Allah gives you the gift of tawbah
Give thanks to Allah for giving you the chance to make tawabah
I want you to remeber this beautiful concept:
The scholars said: One of Allahs names is Al Tawaab...The One Who grants repentance.  When you sit down and say oh Allah will never forgive me, I am bad there is no hope, the scholars said this means you dont believe in Allahs name Al Tawaab.
You should say: "Ya Tawaab, you love to grant tawabaah, you are Al Tawab.
Contemplate upon this hadith:
Imagine you are in the middle of a desert, no food no water nothing. What if I put you there with nothing you would die. There is a man walking in the desert and he has his camel who is well stocked with food and water. The man went to sleep and then when he woke up he did not find his camel, he started looking and looking and he did not find the camel. He felt so lost and he knew he was going to die. So he went to sleep and then when he woke up and the camel was right there, he was soooo joyful and thankful. Allah is more joyful with tawabah from His servants then the man in this story. Allah does not love anything more then for His servnat to return to Him and to make tawbaah.
If you are able to pray the night prayer it means you are close to Allah and your forgiveness tawbaah was accepted. Tawabaah is a huge gift from Allah...
Next week we will speak about the steps of tawabaah.

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