Sunday, June 29, 2014

NHIEC Ramadan Video: Arabic,Spanish,Sign Language, English, Mayor, Sheikh,Community
Ramadan Greetings in Arabic, English, Spanish, American Sign Language
Featuring ( based on order of the video )
1.Qari Hassan Saleh reading the ayas about Ramadan from Surat Al Baqarah 
2. Sheikh Mohamed Moussa from NHIEC
3. Some of the Masjid Boys ( can you spot  the twins?!)
4. Sister who is half Egyptian and Half Latino greeting us in Spanish
5. Br Yusuf a revert and beloved student of Sheikh Al Hayek, PHd in a Islamic Studies field
6. Sheikh Al Hayek from NHIEC
7. Omar Garcia and kids second generation Puerto Rican Muslims greeting us in Spanish
8. Sr Oraib greeting us in sign language 
9. Br Tarek greeting us in the Palestinian accented Arabic 
10. Br Hamid greeting us in the Moroccan accented Arabic 
11. 7 year old Samar greeting us in English
12. Two Union City official greeting us in Spanish! ( sorry I didn't get their names!)
13. Captain from the Union City Police Dept
14. Captain Mitchell from the Union City Police Dept 
15. Rich the Chief  of Police in Union City
16.And finally the  Mayor of Union City, Brian Stack !

Friday, June 27, 2014

Ramadan is Back, The Hearts Are Coming to Rest

Tonight marked the first night of Ramadan...although I was excited I had some fear in my heart...fear that I would not be able to re connect my heart to Allah the way in which a person attains the highest level of peace, this level is called "Al Nafs  Al Mutmana" The Peaceful Soul". I was worried that I would not be able to experience the Ramadan spirit on this first night of taraweeh....but Allah is Al Tawab, Al Rahman, He wants you to come back to Him, He wants to place those peaceful feelings in your heart as you remember Him, and oh did I feel that peace descend upon me as I prayed those first rakahs for taraweeh...and ...alhumdAllah tonight was amazing, and this is only the start! Ramadan is here, the 30 days of peace, serenity, and full focus on Allah is here, the long nights of taraweeh (which comes from the word raha which means rest) are here, the long nights that bring rest to the hearts, "Alyaa badhikr Allah tamatna al Qulb" Verily in the remberance of Allah do the hearts find rest" Surat Al Rad aya 28, the eyes of tears are here, the hearts waited long  they waited all year for these nights, alhumaa taqbal mina Ramadan! You can feel the aya mentioned in the picture above when you stand on your feet with your hands raised and your heart awake, asking Allah for whatever you heart seeks.

If you noticed I have not blogged in a while, and it might be because I have been lacking in sharing  spiritual experiences  or good notes that I have learned or lessons.  I only can share what is good  because this is a public platform and the Prophet Muhammad said, "“All of my ummah may be forgiven except those who commit sin openly. It is a kind of committing sin openly if a man does something at night, then morning comes and Allaah has concealed his sin, but he says, ‘O So and so, I did such and such last night,’ when his Lord has concealed him (his action) all night but in the morning he reveals that which Allah had concealed for him.” 

Its Back, The Vacation Called Taraweeh: Rest


Monday, July 30, 2012

The Vacation Called Taraweeh: Rest

An Exclusive Vacation Called Taraweeh:

When: Ramadan
Location: Any Masjid

Destination: Allah
Goal: Rest & Relax
Passport: A heart that remembers Allah
Did you ever wonder why you love coming to salat al tarweeh even though its about two hours long?
The word tarweeh comes from the arabic word "Raaha" which means rest and relax
This explains why although it is two hours of long standing we still love it and we are so sad when Ramadan is over
While people spend thousands of dollars to go on vacation just so they can "rest and relax", Muslims await for the Tarweeh.Muslims dont have to go on vacation to achieve
this relaxation, they just wait for Ramadan...
Through the tarweeh it is not your body that is at rest, but rather your heart is at rest as it remembers Allah


Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.
Surat Al-Rad Aya 28

The one whos salat brings this this feeling of raha will tell you two hours is not enough, and they will get up in the middle of the night for the salaatul Qiyaam.
While people find sleeping as a form of rest the believer's find the standing of long  salaat and the making of long sujuds as the greatest form of rest...
The one who has not yet tasted the sweetness of faith in salat will not understand how long salat is a form of rest and relaxation.
Those who have achieved the raha part of the tarweeh try to prolong thier sujud and thier eyes are filled with tears  as thier hearts remember Allah....
In the next sujud ask Allah to make you cry because the Prophet said
"One teardrop that falls from the eye of a believer out of love and fear for Him is better than this world and everything it contains!"