Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mustfah Hosny, I am Sorry, Ana Assaf, "Words" Audio Series, Prophet Muhmmads Forbearance

Mustfah Hosny, my favorite Arabic speaker has a new audio show called "word" and basically its just 5-8 minute audio sessions on different words. Even with 5minutes you learn SO much with him mashAllah. At the end I also shared a chapter about the Prophets Forbearance I came across.
The Word: Second Episode: I am Sorry, Mustfah Hosny
كلمة - الحلقة 2 - أنا آسف - مصطفى حسني
How much do words have an impact on the souls. Words can make you glad or sad, a word can inspire you or discourage you.....Everyday we will learn a word, and understand it and use it, if there is good in the word we will use it, if there is bad in it we will leave it.
Ana Assaf, I am sorry means that I acknowledge my mistake. Or let me tell you, sometimes people are not wrong but they still say I am sorry, which is like saying even if I am not wrong, I want our relationship to go back to good, it doesnt matter who is wrong , what matters is that we stand next to each other, and our hearts are kind to one another. I am sorry means I dont want to see you mad, I care, you are valuable to me. I am sorry, is a word of the strong people who are not impacted of waswas (whsiperings) which tell them that you are weak if you say sorry.
The person knows that the word I am sorry, and I will forgive you, Allah loves very much
"...and let them pardon and overlook. 
Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? 
And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful"
 Surat Al Noor aya 22
I am sorry is a word the arrogant do not understand and they will never tell you I am sorry, or if they do tell you I am sorry its from the edge of their nose (Arab proverb) for the sake of themselves (maslhaa), nor does the arrogant accept apologizes. They think it is not enough.
I am sorry to my mom and dad who always missed me when I was to busy working. Or I am sorry to my mom or dad if you died and you needed my duaa I did not make duaa for you.
I am sorry to my son if I never made time to spend with you.
 I am sorry to my daughter if you started looking for a man early in your life to bring you love and care because as a father I was always cold and mean and I never sat and spoke to you.
 I am sorry to my soul I did not teach you enough, I did not bring you closer to Allah. I am sorry to my soul when I listened to your whims and desires and I did not stop you, instead I listened to you and I lost you.
I am sorry to my religion that I shouldve given more honor, but instead my bad manners and my low level of mercy to the people around me made them hate when I was religious.
I am sorry to every person who taught me beneficial knowledge and I never made duaa for Allah to have mercy on them.
I am sorry oh Prophet Muhmmad, you always wanted to meet me and you made duaa for me but my heart is cold towards you, and I dont know much about you, and that is why I cant do what you did for me.
I am sorry oh my Rabb for every blessing you bestowed upon me, so that you can tell me I am your Rabb and I wanted to see you glad, but instead my shukr (gratefulness) to You was of bad deeds and making you angry.
I am sorry oh Egypt (he is Egyptian) for singing Egyptian country songs but I didnt help rebuild you or make you a better place.
"I am sorry"
Dont ever allow this word to be heavy on your heart.
 Around the same time of coming across this video, I also came across the chapter "Prophet Muhammads Forbearance" in the book titled, "Muhamad As If You Can See Him". If you ever want to read a serah book about the Prophets life or characteristics, than pick this book, gives excellent desciprtions and makes you wana cry and be like the Prophet.
 While I was reading the book I saw that the author was the author of my favorite book Dont Be Sad.
The chapter said:
"To be a forbearing person is to be tolerant, patient, moderate, lenient and forgiving"
"The Prophet was the most forbearing of people. When personally wronged, he would restrain his anger and forgive the person who wronged him"
"Bedouins were notorious for being rude and inapproaite in their behavior towards the Prophet, and yet the Prophet reciprocated their harshness not with harshness of his own, but with forbearance and forgiveness.
Allah said, "So overlook oh Muhmmad their faults with gracious forgiveness" Quran 15:85
"Everyone who came to know the Prophet, were immediately impressed by his smiling countenance, easy going manner, friendly demeanor and forgiving manner"

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